
V Festival - Banckrupt ticket company!

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone purchased tickets via i recieved an email informing me of their companies bankruptcy and that they cannot honour the order, they also told me i need to claim a refund through my credit card company!

Has anyone had a similar email?





  1. No mate but if you e maill me I will give you a contact number of the guys who manage the sites for 3 hours work a day you can go for free ad get beer vouchers and food supplied. You would need to take your own tent. Are you talking Chelmsford or Weston?

    Amazing !!!! How the fukc can i get a thumbs down for trying to help the guy???????

    There are some real idiots on here

  2. If you paid by credit card, you'll be covered without any problem.

  3. think youve been had mate

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