
V-ball players-serving problems.

by  |  earlier

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tryouts are in a couple days and i want my serve to be perfect, well almost, hehe. so i was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to make it powerful and make it over the net everytime!

thanks for answering.




  1. Stand back a few steps from the service line.  Toss the ball high enough for you to take a step, and swing with your dominant hand.  Follow all the way through like your snapping your wrist in an attack-like approach.  Go to the local gym and practice for about ten to fifteen minutes.  Find a rhythm and get into it, and it will help you out tremendously.  

  2. i have played 4 3 years and with the underhand serve you HAVE to make sure your hand is lowif ur tall and lowish if short with over hand make sure you thro the ball straight up and hit it with all force and make sure u have a strong wrist and a powerful swing

  3. they always love it wen a player stayes low!!!and when u go up to hit the ball dont just swing ur arms you have to come up with ur legs

  4. for me it is all about keeping yr eye on the ball as much as u can also u need to watch yr hand placement make sure it is in perfect coordinate as the ball n also try to get the ball to hit the palm of yr hand (middle) as it is the flattest part.......that same goes for a jump sever but the hardest thing bout that is yr timing keep this in mind n yr sure to get the ball over the net a great amount of times....

    Good luck.

  5. one of the main things that is important is the toss. If its a bad toss its not gunna b the perfect hit. u need to make sure that ur toss is centered and that u hit at ur highest point. make sure when u r hitting it that it is in the middle of ur forhead called ur tunden. the middle. and then swing through and snap ur wrist for topspin. leave it straight if ur doing a floater.

  6. 1. Check your posture

    If you are right handed, your left leg should be in front and right leg behind. Your left hand should be stretched in front of you with your right hand already up to get ready to swing and hit the ball.

    Lean back slightly before hitting and use your body weight to push the ball forward. Follow your arm through so the the ball can 'dip'.

    2. Check your toss

    Your toss shouldnt be too high such that you have to wait for a couple of seconds cause you will sort of lose your momentum. It shouldnt be too low as well or the ball will not go over the net.

    You got to try out yourself such that everytime you toss the ball you can swing and hit the ball almost immediately. If you will be walking a step of two before hitting, you have to make sure you toss the ball slightly more in front.

    Remember, whenever you hit the ball, the ball is in front of you, not on top of your head or behind. And, when you hi the ball, your elbow must be at least at ear level or else the ball will be too low.

    3. Practise practise practise!

    You just got to keep doing it to get the contact. :D

    gd luck!

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