
V e r s e 2 ? ! ? ! ?

by  |  earlier

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this is a song about racism


Why do we treat each other this way

We are all the same in every way

Just because I don't look like that

Doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt that bad

Verse 1

You need to step up

Step out of that shell you are hiding behind

Show yourself to the world

They might not accept you

But I sure do

Just never say never

Because you will never know

You have to show some love

To get some love to show

Repeat chorus

Why do we treat each other this way

We are all the same in every way

Just because I don't look like that

Doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt that bad

Verse 2





  1. How about:

    Discrimination isn't just about skin color, its not the only way

    Short, tall, skinny, fat, male, female, bi, L*****n or g*y

    I don't get it why is there all this ridicule

    If you label people as 'not good enough for you' you're the biggest fool

    You're bringing the world more pain, dropping bombs where there's no need

    Starting wars, prejudice, genocide just to see others bleed

  2. you didnt step up

    you didnt ome out

    of that shell taht you were hiding behind

    thats y u just fell

    its to late to say goodbyeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

    ill just say it for u nowww its time for me to go

    but yet again you'll never knowwww

    if you will ever have love to showww

    sorry i dont think that was good i am a singer but i dont write songs

    the prts u wrote were awesomeee
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