

by Guest65270  |  earlier

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this isn't a question but, I felt the need to tell everyone to vote for Obama and heres my reasons.

1)Hes not super old like Mccain (he's easier to relate to).

2)I'm sick and tired of the high gas prices.

3)He'll take our troops out of war (best for families).

4)We'll get more personal rights.

5)We will live in a less racist society.

Those are my reasons and I hope everyone will follow through(:




  1. i agree with the above

    by definition, a right doesn't have to be given

    privileges can be taken a way or given

  2. Yup, except for #4.

    Your rights can only be taken from you with your consent.

    If they're your rights, fight for them.

  3. Obama is way better

    if we vote for Mcain hes going to be like George Bush

    Go Obama

  4. 3)This will only happen if the situation is right, bringing all the troops back could cause problems.

    5) Racism I think, has gotten as low as it will get.

    2) That depends on the situation also, and it depends on what the gas company's want to do.

    1) Age just means he has seen more life and probably knows more about it.


    Their will always be something that a president does, that the majority of the citizens dislike, expect that.

  5. Keep your points. I want an American for president.

  6. 1. But he's also a smoker, and he can't answer any question unless he reads it from a teleprompter.

    2. Me, too. I can't wait for Obama to go into the White House and find that console in the basement, the one that looks like a leftover from the old Batman tv show with the huge-lettered signs that say "HIGH GAS PRICES" and "LOW GAS PRICES" and switch us to the low side.

    3. We'll see.

    4. Can you explain this one? I see no way anyone who's stated purpose is to further redistribute the wealth of and take more responsibility from the populace is going to grant more "personal rights". More, this very notion is indicative of a flawed understanding of the very nature of our republic and a complete lack of appreciation for the work that went into its founding and improvement over the centuries.

    5. This one loses me completely. What possible difference does it make what color the president is? Will the White Aryan neanderthals not still be dragging their knuckles after Obama's election? Will Al Sharpton not still screech "Racism!" to everyone who'll listen every time a black man has a flat tire?  No, I think that, if anything, perceived racism will increase; after all, once he's in office virtually anything anyone says negative about Obama or any of his policies will be said to be "racist". It's already started.

    Sorry, I haven't decided who I'll vote for, although I doubt very seriously it'll be Obama, and I'm almost as sure it won't be McCain. I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils and neither of these clowns impresses me. But, then, I could have said that about every presidential race for the past 20 years.      

  7. WOooow..I can tell you're a political genius :) ....But no thanks Im gonna go ahead and vote for McCain....Not the racist liberal n**i that you endorse.

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