My friend is straight up vegetarian, not vegan (that I know of). He's nearly 16, 5' 3" nearly 16. Lately he's been having bad problems. He gets sick real easily, doesn't eat a lot of things (sugar, bread, meat etc) His tummy is really picky so if it doesn't get what it wants, he throws up. He drinks a lot of soda and has a craving for soup. He's losing weight really often and he's on medicine and he's not anemic anymore. So my real questions I guess are: What would you suggest for help for him to sleep earlier? He doesn't sleep often but when he does, he sleeps for long periods of time. What can he eat that'll help him gain a little weight? I hate it when he gets admitted for the hospital, it scares me real bad, he got testing done for certain things, so I'm worried about that. What can help him become healthier?