
VEGAN remedy for canker/mouth sore?

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hi! i'm a vegan and i'd like to know of any vegan remedies for canker/mouth sores? and cold sores too!

i may have to cave and use a vegetarian all natural one if i can't find a vegan one, but i hope i don't have to, especially since it's in the mouth.

any vitamins you recommend, tea, or actual ointments?

thanks so much!!

and if you say vitamins where did you buy them?

i live near:

vitamin world,

vitamin shoppe,

whole foods,

wild by nature,

trader joe's,

stop and shop,


king kullen,




et cetera...




  1. um.. sea salt rinse

  2. I have never tested this theory, but I have been told that pomegranite molasses is a canker sore miracle cure.

  3. first - prevention - eat some yogurt once in a while - helps put friendly flora in tummy - helps to prevent cold sores and the like.  the salt mouth wash is a good one.  Clove oil, is not a "remedy", but will help with pain & swelling and a bit with killing the thing.  you can buy it @ most of the places you mention above.

    i know these things because i have used it, for the same as you need it.  :)

  4. Use burdock, goldenseal, pau d'arco tea, and red clover to cleanse the bloodstream and speed healing.

    Apply tea tree oil to the sore first thing in the morning, at noon, and at bedtime.  This will speed healing.

    Red raspberry tea is also very helpful, due to its flavonoids.

    (All items available at Whole Foods.)

    Avoid coffee, tobacco, gum, lozenges, mouthwash, and citrus fruits.

  5. I thought most things like Carmex was made with oil-based, not animal-based sources.


    my bad, Lanolin is a bad one.

    it looks like Campho-Phenique doesn't include lanolin

    there is also some "natural" ones that i have seen at Walmart that are likely all plant-based

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