
VEGETARIANS: what are the ups and downs of being a vegetarian?

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i'm not a vegetarian, but i don't really like meat and i could do without it. just thinking about it so i'd like to hear some personal experiences and opinions.

do you feal any different? is it better or worse than before? did you notice any health problems etc.etc.




  1. almost 15 years here...

    bad- dealing with rude comments from people who eat meat and constantly having to defend your diet (i don't ask meat eaters why they're eating what they're eating everytime i sit down, ask them how they get enough nutients, ask them what they eat, etc.)

    - not always having a lot of options when i go out to eat

    good- knowing i'm not eating a dead animal who suffered and was tortured just to get me a taste taht i like.  there's more to life than how something tastes.  i feel good about what i eat on a deeper level than just a taste in my mouth.  - being healthier, i nkow i've reduced my risks of many dangerous diseases  -spreading awareness. knowledge is key, and most people don't know where there food comes from.  - trying new thigns, i've tried many many more types of foods and love many of them since going veg and having to open my eyes to new foods - i've had better health since going veg than before

  2. Ups

    -- Not as much fat

    -- Lower calories

    -- Lower colersteriol and trans-fat, meaning clearer arteries


    -- Still get into massive sugar (a lot of vegetarians eat candy and drink soda)

    -- Makes meals boring

    -- Missing out on some nutrients (like vitamin B-12)

  3. As far as I know, being "v-get" or not, wouldn't make any different on your health. just like everybody whose not a v-get, as long as you eat in well balance portions you'll still in a good shape.

    for proteins, you can find it in beans. For milk you can change it to soy milk.

  4. I've been a vegetarian for a long, long time and I don't eat most dairy products either, and I've never once regretted it. I can basically say that I'll be a vegetarian for the rest of my life.

    It didn't change my weight at all, but perhaps that's because I eat a lot of junk, and I'm intensely lazy so I wouldn't know If It's improved my health any, but mentally, I couldn't feel better.

    I know a lot of people hate peta, but If you actually watch a video, It's a pretty safe bet that any compassionate human being wouldn't eat meat again, and never miss it.

    I've never once craved meat since I stopped, and that's coming from somebody who used to eat nothing but chicken and fish, like ... a LOT.

    Maybe you could just try it for a few weeks and see what happens? I'm biased, but I think you should give it a go.

  5. I used to love meat for the taste of it, but after watching an environmental documentary called "Baraka" ( ) I researched about vegetarianism and decided to give it a try for a month. I've been a veggie ever since, and that was more than a year ago. So... here is my take:


    - I have more energy

    - I lost weight that I could not lose as a meat-eater

    - My skin is better than before, I never get pimples anymore

    - People say I look younger

    - I never get colds anymore (I used to get sick all the time before)

    - I no longer get any cramps during my period

    - I need less sleep

    - I am a lot calmer than before (I used to get irritated all the time before)

    - I am generally a happier person, my friends tell me

    - I feel good about myself, because it's good not only for my health, but for the environment and the animals too


    - Not at all! =) I just need to bother my waiter/waitress a lil' bit when I eat out, but it's not bad, considering 80% of restaurants offer vegetarian options.

    Going vegetarian can do wonders for your health. Check out "How to become a veggie!" ( ) if you're interested!

  6. It has been 8yrs for me and for 25 before that I didn't eat red meat. Now I don't eat dairy or eggs either and I feel fab.  Get into a good yoga program and learn how to breath because getting oxygen into the blood is the key to your energy level not what you eat

  7. your not a vegetarian .. but you dont like meat ?

    well your half way there lol :-))

    short list ..


    you feel healthier.

    your less prone to illness, diseases.

    you have a better diet.

    you lose weight.

    you save money by not having to buy meat at all/as much.

    you get to try different things you wouldnt have if you ate meat, so alternatives.


    you cant have gelatine, which is in sweets, and quite afew other things.

    people may think you NEED meat, when you dont [which can get annoying after a while].



    there's hardly any cons tbh

    Hope i Helped! :]

  8. The few downs i can think of are going out to eat and only finding one veggie item on menu,usually dang lasagne's in

    So i don't eat in them now,and having to always watch labels on products to check they are veggie and remain veggie.

    The plus side,I'm healthy,my skins great I'm a marathon runner and am in great health,and also,i can sleep at night knowing i haven't harmed a single animal.

    Good question,its refreshing to get a meat eater who asks a question without being nasty in here.

    My health has always been great ,and my arteries are in great shape,,my cholesterol is lower than my doctor has ever fitness is apparently 10 years younger than me,and I'm cancer free ,having had genetic melanoma,and 2 weeks ago after 8 and half years i got the all clear ,they let me go 1 and half years early as i did so well.

    I'm over the moon,as the last years living with it have been torture.

    I highly recommend the veggie diet,i do it for moral,christian and knowing I'm not harming another animal.

    After all we are All animals arent we?

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