
VENUS, EARTH, and there was MARS?

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what if venus was a past earth and earth a present earth and mars is the future earth

just think about it. people on venus until they made to many man made gases just like on earth and we have two more chances as life not humas because there can be many different life forms. And if we dont change we could be that and let mars devolope a bit more and they might have life next. WHAT DO YOU THINK?




  1. "The Sun will increase in luminosity..."

    That was total bullshit Michael.

    It is common knowledge that Sun in the coming years will decrease in temperature. Every star gets cooler with age...

    Also read the question before answering...

    The question is very interesting and makes you think a lot.

    Great question!!!

  2. Actually Venus is more like a future version of Earth. The Sun will increase in luminosity as it ages and runs out of fuel. In one or two billion years from now, the Sun will be so bright that it will have evaporated Earth's oceans, creating a runaway greenhouse effect pretty much identical to Venus'.

    At about the same time, Mars will warm up and once again have liquid water on its surface. For a while it will be the most hospitable planet in the solar system.

  3. That mostly made no sense. As far as I'm aware, no one ever lived on Venus although we will probably eventually live on Mars. Spell, punctuate, and use words properly, so we can understand what you mean?

  4. Yup, sounds about right, and people think global warming is fake. I believe the human race will evolve very soon, enough to realize their role in the cosmos and avoid extinction from their own ignorance and greed.

  5. Life as we know it would have ceased on Venus wayyyyy before present conditions could be inflicted in any cognizant fashion (about100 atmospheres of pressure which is why even reinforced metallic probes have survived for only the briefest of time) not to mention its carbon unfriendly concentration of atmospheric sulfuric acid. Mars is a dying world older even than Earth with no magnetic field to speak of', a very sparse ecosystem and very little protection from UV rays which are harmful to the production of proteins. We humans have been predicting our own demise since the written language but guess what? We're still here an thriving.

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