i was due for my period july 28... it never came!its now aug 5 and i am 8 days overdue. my husband and i have been ttc for the past couple months, mid july right around ovulation time (15-16) i had brown/pink tinged mucous discharge(i noticed it only when i wiped)lasted two days. ive taken 7 hpt's. all negative. but yesterday, i took one around lunch time, it lokoed neg, i put it in my purse, got back to work, and looked at it again. very faint line was there, enough to lead me to the health dept for blood test for reassurance! my blood test is supoosed to come back tomarow, but today i took another test, BFN! clear as day! i have no pregger symptoms except fatigue, headache, and a little nausea this morning. ive been cramping for 2 weeks now, like AF is comming! i had lasik eye surgery last wed. (30th) which ive been using antibiotic drops for 4 times a day. i eneded up getting a yeast infection from them. is it possible, im not pregnant, and maybe the antibiotics or the infection could have delayed my period? im so confused!! i cant get rest worrying about it!!!!