
VERY Faint positive in the first minute but now barely visible?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I took a pregnancy test just now, and there was a FAINT positive, like the line was not colored but it was somewhat visible. The other line was faint as well. Now about 5-10 mins. later, I cant see the other line now. Was that just a negative i thought was a positive? Evap. Line? I dont know what to think, I just took the hpt cause I have been cramping out of no where....




  1. A disappearing positive should be considered a negative result. I would recommend retesting in a few days using your first morning urine, or test again if you miss your period, if you already haven't. hCG doubles every 48 hours or so. Good luck to you!

  2. I've been in your boat recently.  I'm an obsessive tester! I always see that "ink or dye" line move across the window and it gives me false hope EVERY time... I did several test last week and swore I saw something everytime... Hubby and I even take them apart and hold em up to the light.. (hense, obsessive) HOWEVER I've also thought I was seeing an "evaporation line" when none the less it indeed was a "FAINT" positive that turned darker everyday!(unfortuneately, I lost that one and havent had any luck since) If you think you might be pregnant test again in a day or two.  I never quit testing til my period proves me wrong! Good Luck!

  3. honestly i've never heard of a disappearing positive but the only thing i can think of was that there wasn't enough in the urine.... i'd give it a few days and take it with FMU

  4. if it's not colored, it's an evap line.  I try not to read my tests until the control line is well developed.

    and it's after 10 minutes you're not supposed to read it, not 5 like the first commenter said (but I'm sure we all know that).

  5. get a digital!  it takes away all the guess work

  6. it may have been positive your not supposed to read a test after 5 minutes it's usually invalid after that time if you need to know for sure get a new test and test first thing tomorrow morning first morning urine is always best

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