

by  |  earlier

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My baby will be 4 months on the 22 of Aug. and she is on formula.

I just bought a can of formula and as i was opening it it spilled into my sink. I had a dish cloth soaking in some water so it was all ruined. My question is. Is it ok to give her milk dialuteed. Or what can anyone suggest i do. It's ust me and my 3 girls, dont have the money to go buy some more until tomoro at 12:00 I cant produce breast milk anymore.. What do i give her for the next 12 Hrs???? PELASE HELP>




  1. If you have no other option, just give her regular milk until the morning when can get some more formula. It won't kill her, and you can't not feed her so just give her milk for now. The most it will do is give her some cramps, so hopefully you have some oval or something to help her with gas. Good luck!

  2. water with a little milk but try to borrow or have its dad buy some

  3. It might not hurt. Just watch for signs of a allergic reaction. I know doctors don't like it but a lot of babies were raised on cows milk instead of breast milk or formula.  All 4 of my kids had started cereal by 4 months of age. Good Luck.

    Edited to ADD: Sounds like everyone here is very fearful. My brother was raised on milk instead of formula. I don't believe my Mother even watered it down. Just watch her and feed her. :)

    Yes it will be ok for one night. You are a good MOM.

  4. borrow money or get some formula from a friend with a baby. Milk should not be given to a baby under 1 year!

  5. I would not give her any formula that spilled. It usually goes bad after 2 hours anyway. Do you have a friend or family member that will let you borrow a few dollars for the store? Usually when people see it's for formula they are more willing to give.  

  6. Babies can react severely to cows milk. My mother once gave my son watered down sweetened condensed milk (don't ask me why?) and he had diarrhoea for days.

    Can you call your local Health Centre? They usually have samples and if you explain they may give you some.

    Or borrow the money for some. It is not worth the risk.

    EDIT: Even a little watered down juice or cooled boiled water would be better to see you through until the morning.

    Email me where you are. If you are anywhere near me I am happy to give you some money for some.

  7. I would sooner give boiled (then cooled to lukewarn) water before I even thought to try cow's milk or juice.  You could end up with a much more serious situation as a baby's belly is not equipped for that kind of milk (or juice) yet.  You should probably consider purchasing a container of the powder formula.  It's cheaper in the long run.  You could also have a box of infant rice cereal as another back up.  Considering one can of formula does not cost an excessive amount, you might want to consider reallocating some of your funds into an emergency fund/savings so as this can be prevented in the future.... other situations involving your children's health may arise and you want to make sure they are well taken care of.

  8. Is there anyone that you can call?  Does any of your neighbors have babies, so that you could borrow some formula?  Or reg milk.  What time is it, is the food pantry open where you live?

    I would NOT give her the formula that fell in the sink water with the soaking laundry though.  
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