
VERY UPSET!!!!!!! what is going in my life???

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today is just AWFUL. i REALY need some advice - and pronto!!!!

i was reading this novel that my sister purchased fo rme (last week was my b-day so she bought me a book LAME gift huh?!) and, LOW AND BEYHOLD, there is a passage about two siblings (bruthers, in this books) that HATE eachother. the book goes on and on about how the two brothers never talk to each other and die.

NOW MY DUMB SISTER told me she had no idea about this passage in the book and that she only got it for me because it is my favorite author... THIS LAST PART IS TRUE! but so wut? this was in bad taste!!!!!!!!

2 make EVERYTHING in my life evan harder now my husband is mad at me becaus he says im "overacting". what am i supposed to do? also im STILL pregnat unfortunately!! i kno that is bad and i kno i will LUV my little babe (a boy! trevor!!) but i am so tired of being fat and miserable. a lady at kaiser came up to me and she DIDNT EVEN REALIZE I WAS PREGNAT!

oh gosh. wut do i do? about my sister, my hubz, and my wait? PLZ HELP1!!!!1

PLUS to make things even WORSE, i heard this song on the radio (su su studio by fil collins) and it reminded me of years long gone and how i am so unhappy in my life. wut to do? wut to do?

THANK YOU!! please help!




  1. you are overreacting.

    your sister was trying to do something nice(books are a great present, by the way) by getting you a book by your favorite author. and you blame her for what the book said? i seriously doubt she read the book before she gave it to you.

    and your pregnant, so your hormonal.

    and you wont be as fat when you have the baby, and then you can work out.

  2. Och sounds like you are seriously hormonal to me!  (I don't know anything about pregnancy hormones but perhaps yours are playing up?  I don't mean to be flippant, but really.)

    Seriously, apologise to your sister.  She bought you the book as it's BY YOUR FAVOURITE AUTHOR.  Hello!!

    In the whole scheme of things're due a lovely baby and you have a husband who wants to understand what's going on with you.  Seriously, enjoy the wait because you sure won't be resting after Trevor is born.  Life won't be all about you any more!

    Make the most of it, put your feet up, enjoy your new book ...prepare yourself for the birth and your life beyond.  

  3. Pregnancy hormones!

    What's wrong with a book by your favourite author as a present?  I would say that's pretty thoughtful.  As for the passage about the two brothers - why would she know about that?  And so what if she did?

    Your husband is right, you are overreacting a little - don't take your frustrations out on people that care about you.  If you're feeling stressed/frustrated, why not go for a walk or do something that relaxes you, so that you can recharge, have some time on your own and try not to get upset at people for no reason.

    At the moment, your hormones are raging, and will continue to do so until baby is born!

    Good luck with everything!  :)

  4. I am so sorry to here that this is happening to yyou but I am still young......I really don't know anything about marriage or pregnancy.....all I know is that your husband is the one who is over reacting.Your pregnant for god sakes.....Just relax your having a baby be happy...your husband will get over this when he sees his baby boy!!!Good luck with this sorry i wasnt much help.

  5. You should ask this advice at

    People on the website, should help you out.

  6. 1. I think you did overreact. She's your sister, and she WAS thinking about you on your birthday.  Even if its a book, it's the thought that counts! If it still bothers you, maybe you can call her and talk about it.

    2.  You should try and understand what your husband is saying. Not to be mean, but maybe you could start asking him questions about your feelings. I'm sure he knows you more than anyone on Yahoo Answers does.

    3. Congrats on the baby! Once you give birth, maybe you could buy a treadmill or go walking daily. It may sound like something that can get old fast, but go on, and make yourself some different routes to walk! I'm a runner, and i think its fun to run into the woods, or run through some very wealthy neighborhoods.

    hope i helped a little bit. I'm 16 so i dont know how much i can help lol

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