
VERY destructive cat; help!

by  |  earlier

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I've had cats most of my life and got this one from the shelter and she is the worst behaved kitty I have ever had; she destroys everything, she has ruined my furniture and broken three of my window screens crashing through them and shreds all the grocery bags I need to pick up after my dog, she hides and attacks my dog who is scared to go into the living room unless I am right there behind her and she yowls and yowls when she wants something and she breaks open very single bag of food I buy and it goes all over the floor. I live in south FL and I need to keep my windows open but now that the screens are broken flies are getting in, any suggestions?




  1. old-style metal coffee can with a short layer of pennies (or general coins); you see her misbehaving, shake that can for all your worth... in a surprising short while, the behaviour improves...

  2. what you have is a special needs cat. she was either feral, or abused.

    the shelter had no business giving her to you, i would complain. someone could have gotten hurt. they should have tamed it, or give it someone who could handle her.

    your choices are, give her back to the shelter, or dig in and hang on. you are in for a ride.

    any cat can be trained, they will get used to humans and having all the food they want, but it takes time. you will have a lot of shreded of bags and screens before you tame her.

    i would seek help from the shelter, they should have a behaviorist hat can help.

    or, get it lots of toys. like 2 X 4's, drift wood, tires, stuffed animals. things it can tear apart.

    when it gets into something it shouldnt,  say no, give it a toy, praise. same with attacking the dog..

    put something smelly, like rubbing alcohol near the screens, so he stays away from them. consider "baby gates", that keep the kid from going out the window. he will be able to see the screen, but not reach it,.

    double sided tape on furniture and screens. they hate the sticky feeling.

    scratching posts.

    leave food out at all times, not a lot. lock bags up, or put bowl of food next to bag.

    whenever you praise, give meat as a treat. beef, poultry or pork. cooked, no seasonings. dont let the cat see it come from the fridge, or stove or off your plate. he will hunt the fridge.

    take treat from your pocket. or leave room and come back with it.

    you want him to think only you can get the meat. he cant figure out he can steal it.

    if he doesnt bother the dog, praise and feed meat.

    sit at the window with out tearing the screen, praise and feed meat.

    now for the hardest part. kitty needs a lot of love. you have to pet her, play with her, sit near her, take her to bed with you.

    she will learn to behave, but you have to undo everything she learned. if she was starved and beaten and had to break through a screen to escape, she thinks all humans are that way.

  3. Wow that is really a bad problem. You might try confining her to one room, with a litter box and food and water of course. Maybe she just got introduced too fast. Did the shelter have any information on her? You can try some pheromone spray too this calms a lot of cats down or try Bach's flower essences. You might also consult your vet for some other medications until she gets calmed down. Good Luck

  4. Train her with food food food.  When you go to put her bowl down, do not allow her to jump up at push her back and show her whose boss.  When she destroy things pick her up by the scruff of neck and throw her out the house for the day.  You have to show you are the boss and that without you she can't survive. Good luck.  Failing that you might have to take her back to the shelter.

  5. Wow, what a rascal, but you have to admit even though she is destructive, it's funny. You will need to give a loud "no" and clap your hands every time kitty goes on one of her rampages. she needs to be distracted from these behaviors over and over again until she associates the reprimand  with the actions. Good luck.

  6. my cat is the same way. i give her one toy to play with and i baby proof the house and it works. try playing the the cat more mybe she just wants attention  

  7. It could be that this cat was abused by humans before you got her.  If you are not able to really work hard at helping her adjust, you should return her to the shelter and explain why.  It is unfortunately possible that she is unadoptable.

  8. Honestly. I don't know...

    The cat must have been in a place where these things didn't matter.

    Have you tried disciplining the cat in some way?

    Try that or there is the other could get rid of it.

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