I swear my daughter is going through her "terrible twos" stage VERY early. She is 13 months old, and she is a nightmare. When she was a baby she was an angel, she never cried, always SO happy, she was always perfect. But within the last 2 - 3 months she has just gradually become very naughty. Its gotten to the point now where I am forever stressed out because I don't know what to do. I go crook on her, and she doesn't care, I give her smacks on the hand, but she thinks its funny! I know I'm probably not smacking her hard enough, but she is only 13 months old, I don't want to be smacking her too hard to make her cry... I feel she is too young to understand that. She is ALWAYS throwing tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants, for example if she wants to go in a certain place of the house, like the kitchen, that is fenced off, and will stand at the fence, screaming so badly that it will hurt your ears, and she hits the wall, throws her hands in the air and plops on the ground and will hit the ground, she will hit me! And pick up her toys and peg them at me, and throw them everywhere. She knows what NO means, but she will do it anyway. For example she will always turn the Tv off, so I tell her no. Then she will walk back to it, with her finger out ready to push the button again, and she will look at me while she does it with this "What are you going to do, you cant stop me" Kind of look. Then she'll turn it off, and she will give me like this death stare :| I'm dead serious!! I just don't know what to do.. I'm hoping she will grow out of it, but in the mean time, how do I get on top of this? How do I let her know that I'm the boss and that when I say no, it means NO! If anyone has experienced a naughty child like this, please give me some tips!! I don't know where my little angel has gone!