
VERY strange flashing triangle? Weird experience????

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A while ago I got in my bed to go to sleep, my room was dark and all of the sudden I saw a big triangle with a little triangle inside of it on my wall (no it wasn't the zelda triforce...) it was about 4-5 feet wide. It wasn't like a real object but it was like a flashlight being pointed at my wall. A few moments later it just started flashing, and while it was flashing it started to get smaller quickly until it disapeared (yea I know, WTF!). I looked out my window to see if it was a reflection from a car but there was no cars in sight, plus my curtain was closed too.

it kind of creeped me out.... (and no I'm not lying)

any explanation?




  1. Isn't that the warning type sign construction or farmers use....

    Perhaps it was a spirit warning you of some up coming dangers. Why was this spirit warning you, Was there something going on at that time, or happened? Think back~

  2. My guess is that you were extremely tired and you were seeing things it happens to me all the time when I'm tired and my room is black when I look over at stuff it looks as if it is moving! Some times it even looks like there are tiny bugs all over my room! I even once thought that this stuffed tiger in my room was talking to me! So you were probly just hallucinating!

  3. you were tired...

    you know when you rub your eyes, and you see spots? Its just like that. It used to happen to me all the time when I was younger. I would wake up in the middle of the night, and i would see things, like one time I could swear my cat was sitting on me and I reached out to touch it and it disspeared. Things like that just happen, its your eyes playing tricks on you.

    You really don't need to worry about a flashing triangle anyway! I've seen faces and stuff like that, but I know their not real.

  4. It's curious that so many of these sightings occur when a person is in bed.  Could it be that you were on the verge of sleep?

  5. Haha... sounds like your neighbors bought a flashlight stencil and decided this would be funny. JK...were there any elaborate designs inside the triangle?

  6. It really doesn't do much good to investigate after you stopped seeing the triangle. You should have gotten up to see what was causing it right away. For example if you move the curtain, does the image move, does the shadow of your hand cover it, and other things like that.

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