
VERY weird, detailed dream. What does this mean?

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I'm curious as to what this dream meant, it was very strange.

It started as a naked in public dream. I was in a desk in my class naked, but not bothered, I was just waiting for the bell to ring so I could get dressed. When the bell rings it is supposed to be lunch, but most of the kids stay after and are studying, so I am taking my time, sitting there naked, watching. I see a friend sitting with someone I like so I go to say hi then try to run away but I'm moving really slow and can't get out.

When I DO get out the door I'm in a fancy hallway and there is a city outside the window and I keep hearing people say I'm in Heathrow Intl. Airport. I keep seeing celebrities too. I see a woman walking and I try to tug on her arm to stop her and ask where I am but she doesn't notice for a long time then says "see that clock, it's in spanish" and keeps talking about the artwork in the hallway and how it's so "worldly". She was walking the whole time and the people near her looked to be in a hurry too. She and everyone else I saw were dressed up and wearing all black.Then I woke up.

I just wanted to ask about this dream because it was so detailed and because I haven't seen or heard anything that would make me dream about any of that.




  1. What Anthony P said. :)

    But, in general, whenever you're naked in a dream, that most likely means you feel exposed, vulnerable.

    And school is a strange place where vulnerability and insecurity reign, even in the people who seem like they have it all together. No one really has it ALL together at school.

    Anthony P. really delved deep into your dream, so no need to repeat most of what he said, but it seems like you want to get away from your "world" as it exists now.

    Do you have desires to get away? Do you have, like most youths, a dislike of school?

    To me, it seems like the "world" of school is too small, too constricting for you. The outside world is big, open and multi-cultural. Inside school you're vulnerable and exposed. Outside of it though, you see a fancy hallway, you see celebs, you see artwork.

    In the school environment, you live by the bell, but outside, everyone's in a hurry, trying to get somewhere. They're not living by the bell. They seem to be determining their own way. Or perhaps they're living by a different clock. A clock of life. Trying to live life before that clock runs out. Hence the wearing of black.

  2. Words like naked: Public display. Exposed. Vulnerable. Loss of ambitions.

    Words like naked: Public display. Exposed. Vulnerable. Loss of ambitions.

    Words like waiting: Anticipation. Ready to take action.

    Words like bell: Signal. Recognition. Celebration. Quarrels and seduction.

    Words like ring: Commitment. Promise. Security in love.

    Words like bell: Signal. Recognition. Celebration. Quarrels and seduction.

    Words like time: Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

    Words like naked: Public display. Exposed. Vulnerable. Loss of ambitions.

    Words like friend: Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration.

    Words like moving: Change. New start. Ready to leave something behind.

    Words like door: Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life.

    Words like city: Ambition Civilize order. Culture. Conclusion of hopes.

    Words like window: Opening. Opportunity. Feelings of being watched.Need for privacy.

    Words like walking: Freedom. Movement. Ask yourself where do you want to go.

    Words like arm: Strength. To dream of seeing an arm, means victory over enemies but family quarrels.

    Words like time: Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

    Words like clock: Running out of time. Important business news.

    Words like talking: Conversation. Communication. Seeking for a way to express something.

    Words like walking: Freedom. Movement. Ask yourself where do you want to go.

    Words like time: Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

    Words like hurry: The end of a situation. Danger of an accident. Doomed for disappointment.

    Words like black: Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends.  

  3. Well, I am neither a psychologist nor a believer in dream interpretation but I'll take a shot at this one and do my best. Your nudity in class may perhaps be how you often feel in class, exposed. Your apparent nudity in the dream may be symbolic of a feeling of exposure to ridicule or hurt by classmates or perhaps people in general, stemming from self-consciousness, or just your realization that people are always exposed, even if not self-conscious. You take your time at the lunch bell because the possibility of humiliation or pain does not halt at any point in school...or in life. The bell means very little therefore to your overall exposure. The feeling that you can not get out when you try to run supports this hypothesis. You must face the fears and the pain in your life, there is just no way around it. School is often a time of intense struggle and pain in a person's life, and even adults may recollect it as a time of strife and social difficulties. This may be why your mind chose this uncomfortable setting as its setting for the dream. The world, may in some way, feel a bit like this for you; uncomfortable perhaps, or even unfair. Why are some people prom queens and others nerds? Divine justice? I think not.The fancy hallway and the rushing people, in an airport may be a sign of people who are in a rush to get where they are going, missing the beauty of the world around them, the paintings, the flora. They do not pay attention to the problems and the plight of others, let alone consider to take a moment to help or listen to them. The clock may be a sign of this woman's behavior only, and her life according to a set time table, with strict time constraints, I.E. the corporate world. Or it may be your unconscious mind saying, time is ticking...on something, love perhaps, death, maybe just life, or perhaps humanity's impending doom. We are in some ways trying to outrun the clock of inevitability, and even running against the past time's of our own injustices. Perhaps your grief is not your own but the displacement of your own sorrow for not having listened to others who sought your help. "It's in Spanish" may be symbolic of, again, your alienation from the world and how it works, and moreover the people in it, like you can not communicate with them, because it is in Spanish, or even that Spanish is your mother tongue, or your people's past, and the only way you can find answers to the questions and issues you have is to try to understand your heritage, to use your heritage to understand your world. It is funny how these people around you are so interested in worldly things, the economists with their globalization, these charity workers with their trips to Africa, these socialites and educated vacuums with their interest in improving everything but the world before them. They care so much about the image of understanding everything, and all the while miss the erosion of their own surroundings, in every possible facet. They ignore the plight of the people around them, like you, and are only interested in their own ideological bullshit but never your actual issues. And you live in her country, one of her citizens! Does she better the world around her? Apparently not. Everybody's in a hurry darling, but where are they going? We know not, I think. In a hurry to miss their lives it seems eh? Black can be representative of darkness, of lacking moral fibre. These people are agents of such disgustingness. They may love the vivid colors of the worldly artwork but somewhere you know it is not them, they are dressed in black alone, they are not worldly, even though they are traveling to all corners of the globe in their jetliners. There is dichotomy here, contrast. Black is also the color of vacuousness, of "black" holes. More interestingly, however it is the color of dullness and death. It seems that is where they are heading, as fast as they can eh? To death. I think Freud's greatest contribution was not his rubbish theories, but instead that he put the irrational feelings and fears of our dreams into symbols we associate them with, so even if we would not have before, we do now, so we can interpret people's dreams not as their own creations but logical associations between their feelings they can not put into words or sense, translated into forms through educational conditioning. Seek out the painting next time, but don't admire it, jump in it, become it, and fear not the dark cowards who make you uncomfortable in their sick world.

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