
VHS movie recording to DVD?

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I am Prakash from India.

I need a specific information regarding DVD device. I am owner of PANASONIC HandyCam Model: NV-VZ17EN/EM VHS-C Movie Camera. This device records into a cassette. This device does not have any external connection apart of Audio and Video which I connect to TV for viewing.

My question hence is I need a device easily available in India to which I can connect the Handy Cam Audio and Video inputs and that can record the data which later can be viewed in Computer DVD drive?

Is there any such a device available specifically for India if so please provide the product and price range? It would be very helpful for me.

Thanks in advance.





  1. First you will need a vhs-c adapter (this is an analog tape), your cassette will fit into the adapter and the adapter will fit into a VCR. The you will need a vhs  analog converter, I have pinacle dazzle, you would hook it up like this.

    vhs-c into vhs adapter , vhs adapter fits into vcr, vcr attaches to the dazzle and dazzle hooks up to the computer. When converting analog to digital you will lose quality no matter what converter you use.

    Now that you know what you need you will have to research in India for specifics.

  2. buy a Dazzle one end goes in a USB and your camera will plug into it

  3. You could buy a DVD recorder. What this does is that it is a device that record directly to a DVD disk. It has a place where you could put the camera audio and video inputs. The device has seperate inputs that can connect to a TV for viewing the video that you are recording.

    To record on DVD place a blank DVD disc into the slot of the DVD recorder and then press play on the Handy cam and at the same time press record on the device.

    One you have finished recording you can now take the DVD out of the device and view it on the computer.

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