
VISUAL BASIC code for a math program for S,A,D,M

by  |  earlier

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I need help!! I need a program that has sub procedure that generates random numbers and nothing else. It needs to allow the user to select what he wants to do SE: Add, Divide,Multiply, Subtract and then display the numbers with the appropriate math symbol.It should also then call a funtion to calculate the correct answer and then the answer is assigned to a public variable. Also if other characters entered except A,M,D,S it should then display message to ask the user to re-enter. There should be no public variables except when used for the correct answer.




  1. If this does not help you email me.

    You can cut and paste this into the code pane.

    Dim Number4 As Single

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim MyValue1, MyValue2 As Single

    Dim NValue As Variant

    NValue = (Time) 'Constantly changing seed value for random number generation.

    Randomize [NValue]  ' Initialize random-number generator.

    MyValue1 = ((150 * Rnd) + 1)   ' Generate random value between 1 and 150.

    If MyValue1 > 100 Then

      Randomize [NValue]  ' Initialize random-number generator.

       MyValue1 = ((150 * Rnd) + 1)   ' Generate random negative value between 1 and 150.

        MyValue1 = MyValue1 * -1

    End If

    If Check1.Value = 1 Then MyValue1 = Fix(MyValue1)

    Label1.Caption = MyValue1

    Randomize [NValue]  ' Initialize random-number generator.

    MyValue2 = ((150 * Rnd) + 1)   ' Generate random value between 1 and 150.

    If MyValue2 > 100 Then

      Randomize [NValue]  ' Initialize random-number generator.

       MyValue2 = ((150 * Rnd) + 1)   ' Generate random negative value between 1 and 150.

        MyValue2 = MyValue2 * -1

    End If

    If Check2.Value = 1 Then MyValue2 = Fix(MyValue2)

    Label2.Caption = MyValue2

    End Sub


    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Text3.Text = "+"

    Text1.Text = Label1.Caption

    Text2.Text = Label2.Caption

    End Sub


    Private Sub Command3_Click()

    Text3.Text = "-"

    Text1.Text = Label1.Caption

    Text2.Text = Label2.Caption

    End Sub


    Private Sub Command4_Click()

    Text3.Text = "x"

    Text1.Text = Label1.Caption

    Text2.Text = Label2.Caption

    End Sub


    Private Sub Command5_Click()

    Text3.Text = "/"

    Text1.Text = Label1.Caption

    Text2.Text = Label2.Caption

    End Sub


    Private Sub Command6_Click()

    Label1.Caption = ""

    Label2.Caption = ""

    Text1.Text = ""

    Text2.Text = ""

    Text4.Text = ""

    Text3.Text = ""

    Check1.Value = 0

    Check2.Value = 0

    Option1.Value = False

    End Sub

    '''Swap Values

    Private Sub Command7_Click()

    Dim MyNumber1, MyNumber2, MyNumber3, MyNumber4 As Variant

    If Option1.Value = True Then

    MyNumber1 = Label1.Caption

    MyNumber2 = Label2.Caption

    MyNumber3 = MyNumber1

    MyNumber4 = MyNumber2

    Label1.Caption = MyNumber4

    Label2.Caption = MyNumber3

    Option1.Value = False

    End If

    If Option1.Value = False Then

    MyNumber1 = Label1.Caption

    MyNumber2 = Label2.Caption

    Label1.Caption = MyNumber1

    Label2.Caption = MyNumber2

    End If

    End Sub


    Private Sub Command8_Click()

    Dim MyNumber1, MyNumber2 As Variant

    MyNumber1 = CDec(Label1.Caption)

    MyNumber2 = CDec(Label2.Caption)

    If Text3.Text = "+" Then Text4.Text = MyNumber1 + MyNumber2

    If Text3.Text = "-" Then Text4.Text = MyNumber1 - MyNumber2

    If Text3.Text = "x" Then Text4.Text = MyNumber1 * MyNumber2

    If Text3.Text = "/" Then Text4.Text = MyNumber1 / MyNumber2

    Number4 = CDec(Text4.Text)

    End Sub

    : )

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