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ok....i can never hit the ball over the net with overhand serves....well i can but i need them to be deeper....any advise? (dont say hit it harder or anything like that cuz im hitting it as hard as i can. Also i have to do 10-20 pushups everyday to get my arms stronger cuz im really skinny)

i am really good at volleyball except for my overhand serve.....also can you help with spikes? thanks!!




  1. The overhead serve is mor challenging for beginning players because it requires being able to toss consistently. The toss is the key to successful overhead serving. A ball tossed to high, to low, too far in front, or to far in back will cause the server to chase the toss and move out of alignment. The ball should always be in front of the hitting shoulder. Have players focus on the toss until it becomes consistent on each repetition.

    The player should point their body at the target area and keep their weight on the back opposite leg from the ball. The elbow of the hitting arm should be at about ear level and away from the head. The toss should be 12 to 18 inches above the extended tossing hand and in front of the hitting shoulder. Weight should move forward as the shoulders and hips come through and the player prepares to contact the ball. The heel of the hand should contact the ball with the arm fully extended and the wrist stiff. The hitting arm should swing fast. The hitting arm should follow behind the hitting leg and not cross in front of the body after making contact.

    Hope it helps

  2. okay this is hard to explain with out actually showing you, but i serve a floater and its easy to serve and its hard to pass for the other team, but im going to assume your right handed, ok ill explain the steps you step with your left foot and you follow through with your right, while your hitting your serve you want to hit the ball on the ball of your hand, farthest part away from you fingers, this wont add a top spin causing it to go into the net, also once your hand meets the ball stop, do not follow through this will cause the ball to go farther! i hoped this makes since to you and best of luck, deep isnt always good you actually want it short because its harder  to start the play

  3. ok...... this is how i got better.

    First i think its good u are getting stronger. but first make sure you can under hand first cuz its much eaiser and it makes u feel better when u get it over.

    Next just keep throwing the ball up to urself and time it good.

    ( thats how you can prac. spiking to.) or go up to a wall throw itt up and stand really close to it and hit against the wall and u should be standing so close that it doesnt come off the wall. it will help ur serving and spiking

    i hope this helps and just keep practiceing u WILL get better.

  4. Same prob. For my overhand serve I just have to swing faster. Good Luck!!!!!!

  5. Well for hitting, you should be doing footwork to get to the ball.

    [[Left foot, right, left]]

    unless you are left handed, then it is reversed.

    make sure you dont jump too early.

    or too late.

    and make sure that your hand is nice, wide and open.

  6. well a few weeks ago i went to the chad teichert vball camp and i got a lot better. the best way to overhand serve it in bow and arrow form-hold the ball in your left hand (unless ur left handed then its reversed) and bring ur rite arm back like an arrow to where u could touch ur ear. then throw the ball and step, and swing FAST. for hitting (spiking), heres th footwork: start behind th 10 ft line (u prolly have 2 adjust wher u start) and go left rite LEFT RITE. ur first step is kinda small, then bigger then really big and fast on the last one. the last one u should be facing the side. ur arms need to be straight and not moving in ur approach. and on th 3rd step u swing them back to get more power then swing them up into a bow and arrow and hit! i hope taht helps!

  7. when you serve the ball you need to throw it into the air and jump and hit the ball with the flat part of your fist. same thing with spiking, when the ball is coming toward you when you are close to the net, you jump into the air and hit it the same way as you serve but make it shorter but amed at the ground. and don't let your hand go over the net. if it does they wont count it as a point for your team.

  8. This is how i perfected my serve if you throw the ball to high then its not gonna be that accurate so keep the ball lower

    and kind of adjust your hand kind of straighting up if you want it to go further I started out doing

    What i did with my underhand curlying my fingers and that worked fine.

    And step forward whe nyou dont hit the ball to high but high enough to get over the net thats how i got mine to skim the net

    and go harder. Im really skinny right now and no one thought I would get the ball over doing jump serve but i did

    P.s Im working on my jump serve

  9. well im not to sure what to tell you because everyone has to find there own rythem. it took me to the beginning of my 8th grade year to find that special rythem. just try different things like probably i know this sounds weird but groan when you do that. my coach always said that it helps because it makes your body use that extra bit of strength. and for spikes i have steps for you to use. start with the foot work left..right,left jump, bring both arms up and than bring your right hand back ready to hit and your left arm down. if your left handed do the whole backwards like right, left, right. anymore questions just email

  10. Just a tip for you: Getting th eball over in an underhand serve has absolutely nothing to do with how strong or heavy or tall a person is. It's all in the transfer of weight. So put all of your weight on your leading foot and then as you step and toss, transfer that weight to the other foot. The power from the transfer of weight is what gets the ball over. Also, don't only use your arms, power really comes from your legs and also abs too. Also for your overhand make sure you have a really good toss, it needs to be higher than the height of you arm (when its in the air). and make sure it's right in front of you. Once you have the toss figured out, make sure you have a fast arm swing so that you can hit the ball at its peak. This tip also goes for hitting/spiking. With spiking the most important things are to get you approach down really well, never swing across your body, and swing fast. I hope this helps.

  11. Okay, I'm the best server on my high school if I can't help, then no one can!  lol!  

    The best thing you can do is work on your form.  Take more steps; KEEP YOUR HAND SPREAD OPEN: that's very important and probably the best thing you can do!  Snap down!  

    Spikes: Feet: left, right, together, UP!  Just say that when you take your steps.  When you go up, I believe your body is suppose to be sideways to the net.  I think. I'm a setter!  So sorry about this if it's wrong!

  12. Make sure that you keep your open hand nice and firm.  Most of the motion comes from your elbow to your hand, not from your sholder when serving.  Good, solid contact on a very firm open hand should allow you to get more speed and depth on the serve.

  13. Keep your hand stiff, use your whole body to step into the serve, and make sure you have a good toss. good luck!

  14. For an over-hand serve,

    first you need to have a good toss(in front & above3-5feet), a correct arm swing, then you need to work on using your torso, transfer that POWERFUL force thru your shoulder to your hand to the ball.

    In the beginning, hit the ball with a fist. That will give you a little more power.

    Once you get the heck of the swinging & conditioning your torso muscles, use your palm to hit the ball, that will give you total control on how hard & where the ball will go.

    And, watch college players serve.

    Have fun playing.

  15. if you are hitting the ball as hard as you can and still cannot get over the net then you should aim your serve higher and possibly try taking a step into your serve. also make sure your toss is high and in front of you consistently. when you hit the ball, make sure you contact it at the center and follow through with your swing (snap your wrist with top spin).

    also, i am not sure if push ups would help much with making you stronger to serve. not that little at least. if you want to get your serving stronger, the best way is to do it. there is no substitute for it.

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