

by Guest31775  |  earlier

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can you tell me how to firm up my thighs and butt for volleyball?




  1. Everyone has a little jiggle, even tight muscles jiggle. My suggestion is get used to a degree of it and if you are still concerned try to increase your muscle amount(this will help you in volleyball anyways). More muscle burns more calories= less fat more muscle. Do step ups, squats, cleans, ect. with weight(not to much weight if you are still in high school),  Do progressive bleachers(one leg, two leg hop, skip a step). Do box jumps. Jump up onto a box. Also try jumping down from and immediately back up onto the box or step.

  2. yeah my thighs do that too

    i play volleyball and run track and i have to wear spandex for both...

    if you're like me then you're legs aren't fat but you get get inscure because you can feel it... all you have to do is get used to it they don't giggle as much as you think they do

  3. Do plyometrics!! not only does it get you in great physical shape it increases your vertical too! can't ask for much more....and the best part is that it's not that hard but you see results super quick!!

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