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i just didnt know if i could so anything to be better at volleyball im really good im in 8th grade & i always start the only game i didnt start if when i forgot my uniform & then i played most of it & the only time that i didnt play the whole game is that time & 2 when we were playing really easy teams & reagionals were the next days so coach said she wanted to rest me & the other time she said she just wanted to get players that dont play as much in the game. so i dont know what i can really do it is my fav. sport and i take pride in that I LOVE IT!!!!! but im not perfect like anyone im a pretty good server i kinda need help with it im a really good defence player & dont think i need much help & then the front row im am ALMOST lol amazing im a really god athlete & im also 5'9 so that kinda helps. i listin to my coach & always try 2 improve but i have ran out of things 2 do 2 help me improve my coach said ran every day & i do i love running so wat else can i do! HELP ME BEFORE CAMP!!!!




  1. I love volleyball also!!

    I am the lebraro for my team

    what my coach tells us to do

    is that

    to run

    to go aguinst a wall and set really fast

    and work setting above your head

    to pass she says just to get low all the time and practice your passing

    and then for hitting just do your approach

    then you have to build arm strength and to stay fit

    and did you go to nationals???

  2. we have the same exact situation. i am an 8th grade, 5'9" volleyball player who plays a lot and loves running at my school, i play all around all the whole entire game and never come out. in club i play a lot and always start. i thing one way to get better, is weight training and to increase your cardiovascular endurance by riding your bike, swimming, and other things that increase your heart rate. do push-ups, sit-ups, leg lifts. try to increase your vertical & other things..GOOD LUCK :]]

  3. It's great that you are a runner- that helps your endurance during long rallies.  One thing I would say is to lift weights.  It will really help your power as well as your ability.  Also, you are already kind of tall, but if you jump rope, use jump boxes, etc, you can drastically improve your vertical-making you a better and more effective hitter and blocker.  Just be sure you keep your hands on a ball.  Maybe you can call some friends and go to the gym and play so that you can have some experience playing together as a team.  Good luck!  :D
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