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I am on a 13s vball team and I will be on a 14s team this coming season. I am trained as a setter and even got an award for it but i also got an award for best blocker. I dont like hitting as much as setting but i think it would be a good experience. I feel that blocking is my strength and now the coach is making me a hitter so i can have more of an oppurtunity to block. I am really sad/mad that i won't be a setter anymore and am not THAT excited that i will be a middle hitter. What would you do in this situation???




  1. If you are going to play volleyball for a while then try it. When i played volleyball I played mostly every position because i was a stronge player and i played each position well. I would take that position this year and if the coach puts you in that position next year. Sit down and talk to her and tell her that you would like to be a setter if that is  in any ways possible.She may let you be setter. But she won't know what you want to be unless you talk to her.But you might as well be a hitter and blocker as long as the coach wants you there and as long as your comfortable there.

  2. Your young, I would take the opportunity to work on the middle blocker position.  Refine this position as well and make yourself more versatile for any team you play on.

  3. I like hitting more personally. i think you should hit=]

  4. Try the hitting for now and see how it goes. You've got the height, and the skills, so use it to your advantage. If all else fails, return to setting. Best of luck!

  5. I agree with the answer of coachsmith2u.

    Talk to the coach.  With a pair of tall setters on the team, I would try to run a 6-2.  That way, you get the best of everything.  You would get to set and you would get your 2 tallest players with setting experience in both roles.  

    Ask the coach if they do not want you as the starting setter if they will let you work out as the back up setter. There is no such thing as having too many setters.  The last time I coached club, I had 3 setters on the roster.  Two could not make the trip and the other was hurt.  I had 2 practices to train a new setter.  I thought that 3 setters would be enough.  I then worked with 4 setters on my 10 player team.  

    They key is versatility.  You played last year as a setter.  If you play as the middle this year, just think what you will be able to do next year.

  6. one of the most important aspects of sports is the ability to do multiple things....

    A couple of things to try and to think aobut....

    Talk to your coach... after practice or before practice.. and do it without your parents... just sit down and talk.. explain how you feel.

    see if it is possable to try to do both spots...

    I personally have been coaching for more than 17 years... but I will admit.. i dont coach volleyball... but an open line of communication with the coaches and players is very important.  Understand, I am not a big fan of club sports... in my opinion they are about winning and not getting better....

    why are you playing volleyball?  just for fun?  Just to win? To get better? To get into college?   See what your answers are to those questions and see how the team you are on fits YOUR desires and goals...

    Also talk to your parents and let them know what you are feeling, and that you want to try to handle it... depending on how that works for you, you may want to ask your parents to sit in on the conversation with the coach, after you have spoken to him/her.

    I think lots of youngsters get onto a team/ club and it ends up that, that particular team is not the best one for what you want and need.

    I am not saying to put yourself ahead of the team.... but, to take a step back, and look into yourself and see how and what you feel... and think about how good of a player you could be if you can end up being a quality setter, hitter and blocker and not just one of those things.

    good luck and most importantly... be true to yourself... you are the one out there sweating and working and getting the bruises... if you arent happy, then you will end up leaving the game... that would be a bad thing huh?

  7. I was a middle hitter/blocker on my college team, and my primary task was blocking and quick-hit in the middle. I had some opportunities setting from back-row when a pass was not so good.

    Having said that, I did have a habit going away from the ball when I was in front row if the pass was "high" enough, to give myself a little extra second to go up and hit the quick set, no matter where the pass went. It happened so many times when an "impossible" turned out to be a kill as my setter found me in the air (we played 80% "1" and 20% "2").

    I believe you would understand better how hitters want a set, after getting some experience as a hitter, should you decide to go back to the setter's position. Your mind needs a little adjustment regarding whether to go to the ball for the "second hit" at the very begining.

    For now, the second tallest player with enough talent should be transformed into a hitter, whether you have any better setter on your team or not. You have more to gain and nothing to lose at age 13/14, trust me.

    By the way, I am now playing in amateur league doing all kinds of stuff, including outside hitter, and setter. I am having fun as a "old" player, while showing off all my little tricks at each position.

  8. I play a lot of volleyball. I have been an outside hitter, middle hitter, setter, and a labaro passer. TRUST me babe, hitting is a GREAT experience, and you do get to block more often then in the setter's position. If your coach is insistent on having you hit, try it out, get great at it. If you can't, I'm sure your coach will put you back at the setting position. Hitting is glorifying and there's always an off chance that you'll get a lobber-free ball that you can set :) it's a tough situation, but  you'll pull through.

  9. Hitting, try something new. maybe you will like it better.

    It also will help you with your current position too.

  10. I am 13 and i am both i think the positions for hitters are easer and fun

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