
VP nominee Palin is the greatest thing to ever happen to the Democrats?

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Not because she abolished the GOP's best arguement against Obama with lack of experience (her only serving for 1.5 years... in ALASKA).

Not because she called Hillary Clinton a 'whiner.'

But because last night in Barack Obamas historic speech, he gave John Mccain exactly 19 knock-out punches that linked him to Bush and the politics of the past. And what does Mccain do? Respomd punch for punch why he ISNT like Bush? NO. He leaped off a political bridge picking 44 year old Palin, with 1.5 years experience, and tried to frame her as 'fresh and new' (which are essentially the very things he attacked Obama on). So basically, instead of using news coverage to dispute Obamas attacks, he used the time to drive them in even further by basically admitting that his weakness is his old politics, and therefore could not win unless he made a radical choice in Palin. While the message that will linger among voters politically will be Obamas (undisputed) attacks. Can you tell me ONE way today the GOP defended these attacks?




  1. His choice surely shows the world that McCain obviously is senile..What country will want to mess with a senile old man with his finger on the button..I cant help but picture the genesis video "Land of Confusion"...Just imagine McCain unfortunalety passing away while in his first year in office and us having to deal with a 45 year old menopausal female from alaska.. can you picture her finger on the button.."should i or shouldnt i"..God forbid if she gets pissed at her husband or her i am not against a woman in the white house but at least Hillary is post menopausal...

  2. She has actually been in elected office for five years longer than Obama..

  3. No. And they won't because they can't.

    Their strategy seems to be to throw people off balance with the surprise gift of the weakest conceivable VP choice, and draw the Democrats into a false sense of confidence.

    Then bush will incite a war with Russia in October and they expect that will automatically make people vote Republican.

    Personally I don't like the idea of McCain (who has obviously lost his mind and/or control of his campaign) or a newbie red-neck chick facing us off against Putin.

    Obama has the Brains, the management skills, the support, and the team to handle anything that comes along.

    McCain...well, h**l. God only knows what he is up to or will be up to, or if he is in control or being controlled.

    Last week it was "who is Obama"?

    Now its "who, or what is McCain and who or what is pulling the strings"?

    There is NO consistency in what he is doing. I can tell the way that his defenders are heaping unconvincing praise on this woman that they know nothing about, they are just as confused as we are.

  4. Yes, becuase she is going to be their VP.


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