
Vaastu SHastra question...?

by  |  earlier

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a potential house for buying has a large retention area in front. vaastu shastra says that there should be no well in front of the house. does this retention area count as a well?




  1. believe me or not up to you.

    a group has invented Vaastu SHastra to confuse the society and mint money by giving consultancy.

    in my village well in front of our house. our family now have a total strength of over 45 persons and all are happy.

    go ahead.

  2. don't believe it

    save money

  3. hire any interior designer , he/she 'll give u perfect suggestion

  4. " There Should be No source of water in front of the House" - Draw two parallel lines on the two sides of the house to meet the road - or extend the front of the house to the road. If the source is outside the enclosed area it is acceptable.

    Should you be a hyper sensitive then ensure that not only the well but also the Public or protected water supply inlet should not be in front of the entire plot

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