
Vacation bible school question?

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I am heading our Vacation Bible School and I am planning on doing a theme kind of like the major food groups except they will be the spritual food groups (prayer, reading the bible, witnessing and going to church) can anyone give me some ideas on what to do, lessons in the bible that go along with the things above. Thanks for the help




  1. Funny you should kids just checked out a book from the library on the food pyramid called Showdown at the Food Pyramid by Rex Barron. Although it has nothing to do w/the bible, you could still get some ideas from it.  My kids thought is was really cute.  Basically, the "candy" tries to take over and kick out all the other food groups to be "king".  In the end, you see that candy is fine in small amouts.  You could use a similar idea w/values, prayer, etc. and place them on the pyramid in approirate places.  You could talk about things like stealing, cheating, being like the candy, and work it from there.  Check it out, it might give you some ideas, and it could also be read as part of your lesson. good luck.

  2. is a good place to start looking for more information. Also,

  3. Try teaching the 'fruits of the spirit'.....besides teaching good morals you can toss in a little 'home economics' such as jam/jelly making (following the Bible gets you out of 'jams', etc.)......The church I attend is using the Country Fair as a theme and has a lot of this in it.  Animal displays can use the Garden of Eden in Genesis where God gave Adam the naming rights, etc.  Good luck.  I have taught VBS for years and it is very rewarding.

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