
Vacation in manizales colombia!!!!!?

by Guest67068  |  earlier

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i meet girl in internet, she is from "manizales colombia" she say is beutifol and safe place, and i want to take trip to meet her, its true? - is safe place???




  1. I agree the country is a lot safer since Uribe has become president. I love Colombia but I would not try to drive across the country just yet. And like the previous poster said, I would be leary of going somewhere to see someone I had only met online.

    Read the links below.

    I added another link from Lonely Planet

  2. Safe as long as you take two battalions of Marines to protect you from being kidnapped by FARC. Though being held hostage in the jungle for 10 or so years may not be that bad. It will give you time to brush up on your spelling.

  3. Estrato Seis is right don't go to Manizales(not too safe) and test the girl, Colombian women are very tricky + she probably has another guy in Colombia.

  4. Think with the BIG head. First tell her you are poor as dirt. IF shes still interested.. Tell her to meet you in Bogota. Its a cheap bus ride ( ($20.00 and you can Western her the money) and she can leave Manizales at 1:30 and be in Bogota by 10:30 which is pretty convienient because the later US Flights (Continental, Delta and American) all get to Colombia about 9:00 which means you could get off your flight.. go to the bus terminal (not that far) and meet her. DONT buy her anything and dont believe ANY stories she might have (Sick family member, lost dog - whatever.) It IS possible to find love.. but ther is a class of women in Colombia called Pre Pagas.. and, basically, you buy them stuff and you get what you want.. When your money runs out.. so do they.. And be even MORE cautious if you dont speak Spanish well. NEVER leave your drink unattended. Never flash cash. And be sure to hide your money in the room safe (Every hotel has them (Try the Plaza on about calle 100, its nice) and DONT give her the combo. NO matter how much she asks you to trust her.. Trust takes time.. And if she has to ASK you to trust her.. shes NOT trustworthy.. My wife is Colombian and Ive heard a LOT of horror stories and have a few of my own.. BE CAREFUL.

  5. Columbia is a lot better than it use to be but you still need to be on your guard and i wouldn't advice traveling there on your own to meet some one you only talk to over the net

    check out the source below for information on Columbia and your chosen destination

    good luck

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