
Vacation to Tulum Mexico?

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So, my family is taking a vacation to Tulum Mexico, for my school's Febuary vacation. I have been checking the weather there online, and it looks like it might be a little rainy.

Has anyone been to Tulum, or anywhere near there? And what are some rainy day activities we can do? My family wants to expeirience the culture and the nature, not do the comercialized torist activities.

I have been looking forward to this vacation for a while and i don't want it to be spoiled by the weather. Oh, and, is it possible to go snorkeling while it's raining?




  1. Tulum often has afternoon showers that last under an hour.  It's best just to find shelter, get a snack, and wait it out.  It's less rainy there now than it is in late summer, so you should be fine.  

    I went snorkeling in Akumal ($20, 20 minute cab ride from Tulum) and it was perfect.  Coba has ruins 45 minutes from Tulum but the crown jewel of Yucatan ruins is Chichen Itza (about 3 hours from Tulum by bus).  

    Xcaret is a huge tourist trap with artificial landscaping and Vegas style shows.  Instead, you could take a bike tour through the nature reserve just south of Tulum.  Good luck!

  2. Don't go snorkling if there's lightning--that could be dangerous.  But for the most part, the rains are short (under an hour), so you can grab a snack in a restaurant and wait it out.

    Even though you want to avoid the comercialized torist activities, DO go snorkling at Xel-ha and tube down the underground river at Xcaret.  And the Maya ruins at Coba are worth a visit.

  3. Don't worry too much about rain. The weather stations almost always call for rain but in truth, it's a tropical climate so while rain is not uncommon you shouldn't have many "rainy days" if any. Typically when it rains it's intense and only for a few minutes, 20 minutes or so. It's nothing that is going to keep you inside all day.

    There's lots of ruins in the Area, are you staying at the Dreams resort? When I was there, every morning they had a bicycle tour to the ruins at Tulum, it was free but you need to pay your admission into the ruins. There is a great beach there and the ruins are pretty cool. Hopefully they still do that.

    And yes you can snorkel when it's raining though if the waves are high then the water gets churned up so the visibility may not be that great.

  4. rain isnt a real problem there, when it rains the rain lasts arround 10 or 15 mins (as if someone has opened the shower) and after tht the sun sines again :) if u got wet ul b dry in 5 mins and all the  activities contunue no matter if it rains.

    Tulum is beautiful, u can take a guided visit in the archeological site, next to this place theres a be a u ti ful beach named Playa Paraiso, u can go there.

    U can also go to Akumal and Coba and take a tour to Chichenitza. There r some eco parks like Xcaret or Xel Ha tht even when its a comercialized tourist activity, it worth it, specially xcaret cause theres an awsome show at the end of the day.

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