
Vacation with newborn baby?

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my daughter is 10days old now. we are leaving for vacation this friday, so she will be 2 weeks when we leave. dont try to change my mind and tell me it will be hard traveling with a 2 week old, we are going and you wont change our minds. but anyways i was looking at some websites about traveling with a baby and one website had a link to a website where you could order everything you would need for your baby and they would deliver it to where ever you are going. i cant find the website anymore, does anyone know what i am talking about? do you have any links to places like that?




  1. I've never heard of a website that provides that service, but you could make up your own package to mail out.  It will probably be cheaper, plus you can include the diapers, wipes, etc. that you are currently using on the baby, rather than having to switch things around to new brands or styles.

    I don't see the problem with traveling, as long as the baby is doing well so far and you have names and numbers of a doctor or two in the area if you need to speak with someone, as well as hospital information.  Can you request a copy of the baby's medical records to take with you just in case she needs medical attention?

  2. Not sure where you are going on your vacation or what you will be doing but to each his own. From a nurses point of view you are bold to travel with a baby that small.  The immune system is not fully functioning and they can easily catch something no matter how careful you are.  Take everything with you and be prepared for anything.  Know where you local emergency room is located upon arrival.  I see parents doing this often (Disneyland) and I wonder what were they thinking.  Good luck.

  3. Why don't you just buy what you need and ship it yourself?  Or order form or something like that and have them ship it.  Are you just figuring diapers, wipes, formula type stuff?  Good thing with a 2 week old is they really just need clothes, food and diapers.  Not much else.  I would also just check with your insurance as far as what they would cover for a doctor's visit or emergency visit in the place you are going to.  Just in case she got sick and you needed to find a place- this way you would know already instead of trying to figure it out when you are worried about her.

  4. You are a mom to a two week old baby and you think it is ok to bring them on vacation. You are making a very stupid decision.  

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