
Vacation wth 6 kids and the first plane ride for 4 of them!?

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My older 2 have been on a plane but my younger 4 haven't. Ages are: 9, 7, 6, 4, 3, and 1.

How do I make this plane ride easier?




  1. hailey is a jerk lol....but have you ever seen john and kate plus 8 on the discovery chanel? they manage to make it on the plane lol...I would sugest putting the younges next to you and if no other room sit each older kid with a younger kid. Bring carryons for all of them...little bags with toys maybe a snack and drink. and in your carry on pack it full of foods, toys, what ever you think they will need. How long is the flight..the longer the flight the more stuff your gonna need. Have the flight attendent and your oldest help when the little ones need to use the restroom. Take the flight early in the morn so that the kids will most likely sleep (that could backfire if you have cryers and there are other pasengers aboard). Also give the kids a good talk before the trip that you will reward them if they behave on the flight. Make sure they wear easy to take on and off shoes since you have to remove at the airport. I think you will be fine.

  2. Tht well harsh the hailey, i would report abuse , anyways i wud not worry myb nt the older 1 but they will c it as an adverture just keep them occupied a little whilst takin off or landing ( i prefer takin off)  i am 15 and had to take 3 kids to new york 2,3,5 yr old and they was so well behaved i had to buy them chocolate :DD

  3. Hm.....lots and LOTS of stuff to do thats not really messy....maybe some one time use cameras? so they can take pictures out the windows and such- make there first plane ride [or second] special! As long as they dont get too bored you should be ok. Maybe snacks??

  4. Wow, that first answer was harsh.

    How long is the flight for? If it is a long flight I would try to book it at night so they could sleep.

    I've only flown with my 4 year old nephew and 3 month niece. The flight was about 5 hours. The first hour I just read to my nephew until our layover then he slept the rest of the flight. My niece, luckily slept nearly the entire time.

    I would bring a lot of books if they like them. Hopefully your husband is coming as well? Split the kids up into two groups so the kids will get along with one another. If two tend to argue or get frustrated with each other, don't sit them together. Allow them each to bring a special toy (such as a stuffed animal) or even buy them each a little toy and give it to them when your flight takes off.

    Have your older kids choose buddies when you're walking through the airport and tell them that they are not allowed to let go of each others hands, that way you don't have to worry about the little ones wandering off.

    Give them gum on the flight (not the 1 yr. old). Most parents don't allow their kids to have gum (especially when they're younger) so it gives them a special treat.

    Good luck and stay calm!!

  5. I'll bet hailey isn't a mom.

    You don't say how long the flight is or if your husband is going, but I'll assume he is, make sure everyone has a backpack with some special in it. Color books, crayons, books, snacks (not much sugar), a favorite stuffed animal. If it's a long flight, make sure you can walk around a bit. You might consider a dvd player with a couple of movies although the battery probably won't last more than 1 movie. Maybe an ipod for the 2 older kids. You can load music and maybe a book.

    Have a great vacation.

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