
Vaccinations? Are they that important?

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I bought 1 dog and don't know much about him.He is 2 years old and the owners lost his vaccination cert but said he is vaccinated.My girl is 2.5 years old, i have her cert but is it really important to get the yearly shots? Thanks




  1. Most shots will keep the vaccine in the animal for about three years before it wears so low they need to get a booster again.

    There's a requirement for the rabies vaccine--either the one year or the three year vaccine that's now available. You DO want to keep up with the parvo vaccine! That stuff is deadly.  And the distemper, but do what your vet suggests, they know best.

  2. Many vets ae going with a 3yr schedule rather than yearly. It is important to get the dog vaccinated but you don't need to do it every year.

    This is because of the recent controvery of whether or not yearly vaccines are necessary. Some pet owners claim that their dog/cat that had been vaccinated yearly ended up developing tumors/cancer in the spot where the vaccine was given. ... arcom.html

    This to me is debatable.But the issue that gravitaed me towards the 3 year schedule is that these vaccines have been shown to provide effective immunity for many years so why do we need to give them yearly? The manufacturers of the vaccine provide the recommended schedule and virtually all say 'yearly' but they want to make money however they also acknowledge the vaccine lasts for many years. Basically, it is up to the individual vet and owner to decide how much risk for disease the dog will be exposed to and whether it is worth giving a yearly booster or not.

    Kennel cough needs to be vaccinated against yearly. Some vets will say it is only necessary if you will be boarding your dog or if you take your dog to the dog park or have it around lots of dogs frequently.

  3. your dogs are fine and do not need any more vaccines for the rest of their lives. Do some research. There is tons of info available. The core vaccines last for at least 7 years and thought to last for life. This was proved at the U of WI and the info is readily available on line.

    Do you get your baby shots every year for your entire life? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out dogs don't need vaccinated for their entire lives either. Nature was a little smarter then your vets and drug companies want you to believe. Do some research and stay away from the vets office. Your dogs are covered and fine. Most if not all of what everyone is telling you here is simply not the truth. They just do as their vets say and give in to bullying and fear tactics. Parvo and Distemper are by in large puppyhood diseases and rarely seen in adults anyway. Not to mention as I said before, the shots last for LIFE anyway.

    Learn something about vaccines.

  4. Of course it is. You should even take them to the vet every year for a check up. It's just the right thing to do. Good luck with your dogs and may they live a long and happy life.

  5. ask for the dogs vet's name - the vet keeps records too.  Rabies is required in all states... first thing after you get the record from their vet take the dog to your vet for an exam and shots if needed.

  6. yes it's that important if you can't afford them then you should not own a dog or cat

  7. yes there are diseases everywhere  

  8. Yes. Because the vaccinations don't last much longer than 12 months. If you don't get her vaccinated then she is free to pick up all manner of illness from other dogs whose idiot owners couldn't be bothered vaccinating them. Do the right thing by your dogs and get them their shots.

  9. Yes, vaccinating for rabies is important. However I hate that I have to vaccinate him for anything else. They had something on FOX about how some vaccines can harm your pet.  

  10. Yes, it is important to get the yearly shots for your pet dogs as this may prove to be very useful. The shots can help prevent sickness. With regards to the vaccination certificate, this too is important because this shows the history of the vaccines administered to your pet dog.  

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