
Vaccines needed to travel from USA to Brazil?

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i am possibly going next april with a small group mission trip.

also how bad is the crime rate?




  1. You will need to be vaccinated for yellow fever, typhoid and hepatitis, along with making sure you are up to date with all your routine vaccinations.   For yellow fewer you will get a yellow certificate, you must keep this with you while you are traveling as it is required to show proof of yellow fever vaccination to enter some countries when you are coming from an infected region.  Depending on what area of the country you are going to you may also need to take Malaria tablets.  The crime rate in some parts of Brazil is bad, my advice is to be careful, do not carry your valuables with you if you can avoid it and stay away from dodgy areas.

  2. God I hate mission groups. They always freak out about going anywhere but the USA, then they get there and only stay at the Y.

    I'm from the States, moved to Brazil three months ago, had absolutely no vaccines before coming, and the crime rate is no worse here than any city in the States, it's just a matter of not being an ignorant idiot.

  3. It´s necessary vaccine for Yellow Fever, if you´ll go to Amazon Region.

    Other regions, don´t worry, it´s no necessary.

  4. No vaccinations are required to get a tourist visa to travel from the USA to Brazil unless within 90 days prior to entering   Brazil, you had been to any of the countries listed by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) as a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.  

    Immunization against yellow fever is advisable however if your destination includes any of the following States in Brazil: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, and Tocantins.

    The only other vaccination requirement applies to children aged from three months through six years who will need to present a vaccination certificate proving that they have been immunized against polio.

    If you visit your doctor before you go, they will probably check to make sure all your regular vaccinations are up to date and give you a yellow fever vaccination.  They will also prescribe you Malarone, which are anti-malaria pills and Ciprofloxacin which is for traveler's diarrhea.

    The crime rates vary throughout the country of Brazil.  The city crime rates are probably a little higher than comparable US cities, but the rural area crime rates are probably lower than US rural areas.

    Here is a link to the Brazilian Consulate General for more information:

  5. You'll need to get a vaccine for the Yellow Fever, that's a given, depending on where you're going, you may be told to get other vaccines as well.  

    The crime rate depends on where you go, I went on a mission trip to Curitiba in April and it the crime rate there wasn't bad but you should always be on the lookout.  We were told to keep an eye out for pickpockets, so don't keep your money or valuables in a place where someone could easily take it.

  6. hello need our room visit here

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