
Vacuum always clogging

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Alright, we've lived in this apartment for a year and three months, and we're on our third vacuum cleaner. The first two were Eureka's, then we bought a cheap bissel this last time. I had been taking excellent care of my vacuums, right down to washing the dirt cups, filter and cleaning out the carpet brushes with every use. I couldn't figure out why we were going through them like we were, but everyone suggested that cat hair is clogging them and burning them up. The newest started acting up within two uses (and it's not a large apartment, and we have one cat who hardly sheds, and we clean on a regular basis. Anyways, I tore the stupid thing apart to find MOUNDS of cat hair clogged in it. There was at least enough to be the size of a softball in the hose. So, how the heck is this thing clogging so fast, and what can I do to prevent it? I can't be tearing the stupid thing apart after every use, I refuse to shave or get rid of the cat and I can't exactly just stop vacuuming. Help me please!




  1. Is it clogging because of carpet fibers?

    New carpet will shed for 1-3 mo's

    There could be a defect in the carpet.

    Might be to late for the warrenty but I would look into that possibility.

    I would hope your cat isn't shedding that much.

  2. I feel your pain.... For starters STOP buying cheap vacuums they don't clean well and you'll spend MORE in fixing/replacing then if you save your money and buy a better vacuum!  Next- if the vacuum is UNDER a yr. old it's under warranty... Do NOT take it apart as it may VOID any warranty you do have.. Instead, get you owners manual and call the 1-800# and speak with customer service....

    Also, if you have animals ... It's a good idea for you pet, carpeting and vacuum if you groom them every couple of weeks.. .Get out a brush and brush all the excess fur from your pet... Or take them to a groomer.  

    I've had the same problem you have with your vacuums.... We had gone through 3 vacuums and we didn't even have wall to wall carpets!  So, my aunt bought me as a gift a HOOVER SAVVY.... I've had it for about 5 yrs. and it's AWESOME.  It retails for about $260 since mine was a gift I bought the extended 3 yr. warranty that cover EVERYTHING except filters.... Which cost around $60.  Still much cheaper than a Dyson!  

    The vacuum is bagless and beltless and has 3 carpet setting as well as a hardwood/linoleum setting.  So it works great on multisurfaces... It has onboard attachement for curtains, furniture and stairs.  It has an onboard light and easy to empty canister... Though it can be a bit messy... I dump my canister either in the garage or outside!  The only downside is that the cord is a bit short so  I use an extention cord and  it's a little heavy.  I've taken mine in for repairs a few times but, I have the warranty so it's not a big deal.... In fact I take it in for clean n checks 2x a yr. and basically come home with a brand new vacuum!

    *I clean houses part-time and the one house I clean.  They have 2 medium sized dogs that shed like crazy!  The first time I went over I used their vacuum and the house looked ok... It had just been repaired and cleaned/checked.  The house looked fine.. I wanted to see what my vacuum could do.. So, I revacuumed the very next day and emptied it 6 times... It was just full of dirt/dog hair etc..!  The rugs INSTANTLY looked cleaner/brighter!  So, I bring my own vacuum to clean houses!  So, whatever vacuum you choose annual maintance is key....

    Good luck  

  3. Do you brush your cat every day? I know you said he/she hardly sheds, but if there's softball size hair in the vacuum after 2 uses, maybe you just don't see the hair because it's so fine. You may have to vacuum every 2 or 3 days, just so there's not so much hair at one time. I guess you're going to have to check the hose after every use too, just to make sure there's no build up. Hope this helps. Good luck!

  4. Vacuum more often so it isn't picking up so much hair at one time.  Try using a clothes roller (the sticky kind) on the floor before you vacuum to remove some of the cat hair.

  5. We have a Panasonic which has a by-pass motor, which means that stuff that is sucked up doesn't go thru the motor or damage it.

    Pet hair can cause clogs in the tubing. Clean it out with a stretched out wire hanger *just don't poke your eye out*  :)

  6. I used to have cats (now have dogs!) and my all time favorite vacuums for cats is the Fantom.  Has a bin and no bag, you can see what is going in, is easy to clean after each and every use.  The first time I used it, It filled up with so much cat hair (keep in mind I HAD a vacuum I had just replaced!) that I emptied it over 10X just vacuuming the dining room, which wasn't THAT big!  I was stuptified!  Seeing all that cat hair was really an eye opener!  So I suggest finding a GOOD vacuum, not a cheapo one, and one that has the container that you can empty (I have seen others says they HATE them cause they are messy to empty, I do mine over the trash can outside into a box I pick up from like Sams Club.  I have found stuff I didn't know was in there, jewelry, earrings, money, you name it).  With a bag, you toss it, not knowing you threw it out!  Plus with the canister, I can what is going in and if anything is going in or not.  I know clog has happened, which RARELY happens, since I can see what is going in and how fast, I can adjust my speed or decrease it too!  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  7. You didn't say where the hair was clogging the unit, but I'll assume it was in the hose.    If so, it's possible that inside of the vacuum cleaner hose has become sticky somehow, and if that happens, hair and other stuff can stick to the inside of the hose and once something begins to build up, it can snag other stuff.   As the hose begins to clog, the flow rate drops, junk starts slowing down and then it's even easier for stuff to build up.  

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