
Vaginal Bleeding.. ?

by Guest66817  |  earlier

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I was 12 days late coming on to my period. I had light pink/brown spotting 1 1/2 weeks before my scheduled period for 2 days. I did have unprotected s*x on my 1st fertile day and he did "finish" inside of me. Okay, So... I had a few pregnancy symptoms which have been less and less noticeable. Any who, I started my period.. I think... and it's SUPER light, no clots, not even really coming out. Mostly brown but red also... lasted for 7 days.... A tampon (ultra light for teens) is hurting to put in because there isn't enough blood. I'm just curious if this has happened to anyone else and they turned up pregnant... I do check and reply to the answers given so it's not a waste of your time. Just want some personal experiences.... Thanks!

*My periods are normally VERY VERY heavy w/ lots of clots (thats so gross I know) and I get REALLY bad cramps... I've had NONE of that this time

*All HPT's have been negative...

*I also am a grown woman so please don't talk to me like a kid.

*Had to cancel Dr appointment due to CareCredit card being cancelled. Now I don't know what to to!!




  1. It sounds just an average period, like you said it's usually heavy. I'd be concerned too.

    If you are wondering about being pregnant you can take a home pregnancy test. They are pretty accurate.

    The cramping is caused by the blood clotting & believe me I know it hurts. Take aspirin as the bottle recommends & as well as helping with the pain aspirin also thins the blood which means less clotting.  

  2. period

  3. I am sorry but it was a period! You just had a very light one. Try taking the fertility pills from GNC I had a few patience actually get pregnet while taking them!  
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