
Vaginal Discharge? Help!?

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Im 16 now and i got my period when i was 11. I've had a white or yellow discharge for a really long time. Is that normal? Is there a way to make it stop? Doesn't really have an odor.




  1. this sounds like a question for your gynocologist than yahoo answers.....go see your doctor and get a valid diagnosis!

  2.     Normally, when a male or female becomes sexually aroused, there will be a small amount of thick, clear, odourless lubrication around their genitals. This indicates that we are "horny", making intercourse easier and more pleasurable.

        A women should not have intercourse until she has lubricated. The s*x may be uncomfortable or painful, and lubrication indicates that she is aroused and ready for intercourse. The amount of lubrication varies from person to person and how turned on they are. For both males and females, once a person is fully aroused, all lubrication will stop.

        If you feel that your genitals are dry, you may use saliva to moisten the area. Please do not use baby oil, hand lotion, massage oil, Vaseline, butter or cooking oil. These oils will break down the latex in condoms, and the creams may have perfume that may cause allergic reactions to both male and female genitals.

        Any drug store will have commercial lubricants such as K Y Jelly, Astroglide or Trojan. These are all water based, non-greasy, inexpensive and handy to have on hand. Or go to a s*x store and purchase any number of lubricants such as Intimé or O MY. Some are quite watery and you may need to keep applying more lube. Others such as Intimé Elan and Forplay are thicker, less messy and are good for anal penetration. Just make sure they are water soluble. A cream called Replens will help counteract vaginal dryness.

        We get so many calls from women who complain that they are just too wet. For some it only happens with arousal, but they complain that it is too sloppy and their partner's p***s keeps popping out of their v****a. Others say the crotch of their panties is always wet and they hate it. They want to know if there is any medication to "dry them up".

        So I asked my Gynecology resource and she said there was nothing you could do, there was no medication or surgery that would be effective. If her partner's p***s keeps slipping out of her v****a during intercourse, perhaps practicing Kegel exercises would help her grip his p***s more tightly. The doctor was very much against those little panty liners - they have plastic on the outside, this keeps body heat in contributing to yeast infections.

        Condoms are frequently pre-lubricated, some with a spermicide/germicide called Nonoxynol 9 or N 9. Many males and females develop an allergic reaction to N9, their genitals become red, swollen, itchy or irritated. This also leaves them more vulnerable to some STI's and HIV/AIDS. N9 may briefly numb your mouth. The World Health Organization advises against using N9 and some responsible manufacturers have quit selling condoms containing that spermicide.

        Recently there has been a flood of genital creams that are supposed to stimulate blood flow to the genitals and make a woman horny. They are primarily a cream and a chemical called L-Argenine. My testers found they did not work; one was allergic to the cream. I am not hearing about them but s*x stores say they are big sellers.

        It is well known that as women go through menopause, the mucous membranes of their genitals become thinner and dryer. If Replens is not effective, ask your doctor to prescribe a vaginal cream or suppository that contains a small amount of the hormone Estrogen.  

  3. Everyone has discharge. Sadly, there is no way to make it stop, maybe wear a pantyliner if its that bad.

  4. yeah it is normal - some women just have more discharge than others. wear a pantiliner - can find them by the pads and tampons...  you can also use summers eve soap during showers to be extra clean or some knock off brand (which works just as well) but get unscented or for sensitive skin...  if you ever start to notice an odor  or start to itch, then be concerned but otherwise you are completely healthy and normal!

  5. its normal. its your v****a cleaning itself out. if you didnt have it. you'd be loaded with infections

  6. yes that is normal but theres no way that you can stop it. just wear a panti liner ocasionaly and it should be just fine

  7. are you a virgin?

  8. its normal. im a doctor.

  9. 8i get disgarge right before i get my period for a few days. i've had my period for about two years. im pretty sure its normal. some one correct me if its not!

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