
Vaginal Odor? Does it mean im Prego?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so me and my boyfriend have un-protected s*x, but the other day i found out i could be pregnant so he asked if he could *** inside me, so i said yes. He has a couple times. And now that it's happened i have a really bad odor, and i want to know why? I have never smelt like that in my life, im a clean person! It's not a fishy smell or a period smell, it smells like something has crawled up inside me and died! Why and how do i get rid of the smell if douches won't even help?!?!? Please answer back, i would apprciate it.




  1. go to the doctor if it's not a vaginal infection it could be an STD and you definitely need to find out whether you are pregnant or not. I don't recall having any bad smells with either of my pregnancies but you should go to the doctor...the sooner the better. And you should definitely stop having unprotected s*x. s*x isn't worth ruining or ending your life. And you should not douche if you are experiencing something like this.

  2. do u mean in ya asss or in ur va???? either way well just take a bath and change clothes...then ask a family person if he or she thinks u smell...seriously

  3. Definetly go to the doctor to get checked for an infection. You sound young so you shouldnt be having unprotected s*x....but if you think you could be pregnant you need to take a test and find out for sure. you shouldnt douche while pregnant anyway.  And if your bf came inside...the sperm die and can cause a bad odor. But a simple sdhower should have gotten rid of that. Go to the doctor.

  4. That would not be from pregnancy.

    It sounds like an infection. Call a doctor and make an appointment for an exam. Check your v****a using a hand mirror for the presence of small cottage cheese looking things. If you see them, its a yeast infection though you usually itch with them. Otherwise it could be all types of other infections out there. Either way, be sure to use only what your doctor prescribes, over the counter products aren't that good.  

  5. No, this does not mean your pregnant. I'm sorry, but did you find out if you REALLY were pregnant before you decided to let him go inside you? If not, that was NOT a smart idea. You could have an STD now, you need to see the doctor.  Douching is not going to help with the smell, plus it is not good for you to do that.  You need to clean before and after having s*x, and use the bathroom before and after s*x, you HAVE to keep your girl clean.

    Go to the doctor.....

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