
Vaginal bleeding in baby girl?

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is it normal for my 4 day old to have vaginal bleeding? what causes this?




  1. I have heard of this before, I have 3 daughters.  But, to be safe you should call her doctor and just check it out.  


  3. She's having her period.

  4. DOCTOR DOCTOR NOW! are you mad?

  5. Vaginal bleeding and discharge in newborns can be normal as hormone levels adjust. She received hormones, specifically estrogen, from you during pregnancy.

  6. Ive read that it was completely normal to have some bleeding while the baby is still a neonate...

    until its 8 days old.

    if your unsure though take her to the doc

  7. Yes, normal, I just learned about it in my parenting classes... They're sort of a 'mini' period because of hormones and what not.

  8. Don't freak out. That is normal for a newborn baby girl.

  9. My doctor says it could be normal if it is a tiny bit cause all the hormones in her body she might also produce a tiny bit of breast milk but i would still call the doctor just to be sure.

  10. Yes, normal, I just learned about it in my parenting classes... They're sort of a 'mini' period because of hormones and what not.

    still... got to her doctor

  11. Yes it is, do the reading you should have done on it!

  12. This is normal! However I would still make an appointment and go to her doctor or at least talk to them on the phone!

  13. Yes, a small amount of vaginal bleeding and mucous is normal.  It is from hormones that she obtained from you during pregnancy.  It should not be bright red or profuse.  If this is the case then contact your pediatrician.  If it is just a small amount every now and then don't worry it will stop. It is part of being a female.  Good luck

    PS.  after you talk to your pediatrician please do a post response to clarify to those that are freaking out what your doctor said.  Thanks

  14. Normal! The main cause is all the hormones working their way out of her system.

    If it doesn't resolve in the next several days, consult your physician.  

  15. what is vaginal?

  16. Yes my niece had that and i freaked out when i saw it, but i read in the " what to expect when your expecting" that this is normal. get a book- also about the first years...

    Best of luck and Congrats!  

  17. Ummm... I don't think she should... Consult a doctor.

  18. I don't know if it's normal or not. I think you should call her doctor immediately.

  19. You should take her to the doctor just in case its something bad

  20. Totally normal.  She has a ton of your hormones running through her body and it is just fine.  It is like a small form of your period.  Should go away in a couple of days.

  21. Yes, it's normal.  It's from your hormones running through her during's like a mini-period.  

  22. Completely normal, my baby had vaginal bleeding at one week. I immediately called the doctor and rushed her to the office, and the doctor told me it was very common because the mother's hormones pass to the baby during delivery.  

  23. I have heard of this - it is, from what I can recall, caused by remnants of hormones remaining in the baby's system that were passed prior to childbirth from the mother.  It is relatively uncommon, but should not be anything to be alarmed about.  However, for your own peace of  mind certainly let your pediatrician know so they are aware of it.

  24. I think this is normal. I remember reading about this. I would call your doctor for an explanation.

  25. That isn't normal.  Call the doctor.  

  26. Absolutely.  As long as it's not a tonne of blood and doesn't last for more than a day or two.  It's just hormones.  My daughter had the same at about 2 days old.  Freaked my husband out!!

    Congrats on your new baby!

    Quoting from Dr. Spock:

    Within the few weeks immediately following birth, some newborn girls will experience a small amount of bleeding from the v****a. This is entirely normal and occurs as the level of the mother's hormones in the baby's system gradually decreases. The result basically is the equivalent of a tiny menstrual period.

  27. Mine did that ! My hubby called the hosp. in a panick lol and they said she will pick up my hormones .. crazy huh but in away cool I mean that little angel of your has all she need to somday give life  oh yes and congtrats

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