GF has a vaginal tear? Help?
Well my gf has a vaginal tear, we didn't think it's from not enough lube or being too rough, it just somehow happened. We were really careful.. We've made love several times each month, maybe only once some times. I thought her tear would heal up. It hasn't yet, my suspicion is we keep reinstating the problem.. So we're STD negative, and I looked at this time.
it says that it's a small tear and it's no problem. It's not supposed to hurt but it hurts her. It's not a 2nd degree cut though. Would 2 months be enough to heal this kind of problem up? I feel bad about this, and feel as if i should take all the blame. Please tell me if any of you have had this problem and did you need surgical repair or not? Thank you!
By the way, the site i used is about child birth, but the cut looks the same. So she says..