
Vague school assignment?

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So on the third day of 12th grade this year, my English teacher gives us each words, mine is "Interjection". He tells the class that tomorrow we have to give a presentation on the word and it's use in the English language (which I can do), and that we need to include a visual and have some sort of activity that involves the entire class.

I'm not sure I completely understand, and I'll figure I'll get a general idea of what to do when the other students share, but as if he was reading my mind, he looks at me and says "And you get to share first tomorrow." I asked him about it after class and he still wasn't much more help.

What visual could I use for interjection, and how could I somehow involve the entire class with the word?

Thanks for the help! :)




  1. Check out google image for a visual.  There were some pretty good ones, but all are not apptopriate for high school.

    In terms, of class participation you could ask the class to respond to different questions or statements (out loud, as a group) to determine if there are certain interjections that are 'universal' to your class.  For instance:

    What do you say when a hot chick walks by? bow chicka wah wah

    What do you say when you see someone  get hurt?  ewww or ohhh

    so those are two kind of corny examples, but I hope that helps you get some ideas flowing.  

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