Hello! I am looking to get back into playing again after a 9 year absence. I need help getting information about one of the clarinets I have now because I can't find info anywhere!
One of the clarinets is a Val's Artist. It is a wood clarinet. I have had it for 13 years and purchased it from an older man who had it for goodness knows how long. There is no model number, just s 'bg' on the mouthpiece. Where does this brand, Val's Artist, fit on the scale of clarinets? I mean, from Venus to Buffet? Is it worth getting it overhauled or should I just buy new (I could only afford a pro cibaili right now....)
Oh, and the other is my first clainet and is 16 years old and is a Vito (upside down triangle, rectangle with sta, fire hydrant, circle pattern on bell) with a number 2. It's most definately plastic and you could see yourself in its reflection.
I would greatly appreciate any info you can give about this val's artist brand. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!