
Valentine’s day scams to lookout for

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Valentine’s day scams to lookout for

Valentine’s day scams to lookout for. If you are looking for love on the Internet this valentine day, you should be careful because , especially when people know there will be lots of gifts and emails flying around. Scammers norally use the dating site in a different way. scammers go to dating sites to establish a relationship with their victim first. Once the intial ice is broken, they rip you off by asking you to pay an airline ticket or send money for the costs of a meeting, and then disappear. It happened to me and I would like others to be careful.

The other most common danger in the finding a Valentine lover from the internet comes from the virtual greeting cards. It looks nice but can hide hide a virus. When you open the email it takes over your computer. Don’t open any cards from people you don’t know and trust.

Internet has opened up exciting new ways to meet your potential partner. Though the vast majority of those who register in online dating agencies do so with good intentions some scam artists are also there to catch the unwary.

Fraudsters often take time to build a relationship and convince the victim that they are living a real romance. After suggesting the possibility of an encounter like normal evolution of the relationship, but they ask some money to keep the appointment . Once they receive it , they are gone.

Be safe on this upcoming lovers day and have fun. If you have any questions please ask below.

 Tags: day, lookout, scams, Valentines


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