
Valid CCNA book-exam topics?

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is it true that they recently changed CCNA exam topics..I am readying CCNNA by todd lammle..wiley publication (year of 2007) ..and was wondering am i reading the right book or its been changed?

please write me back

thank you





  1. ICND1 640-822 and  ICND2 640-816 are the newest books for CCNA preparation. I wouldn't worry too much about the content between the new and old. It added some wireless and changed the setup of the books. Truthfully your going to learn the same concept using the old books as well. Save and wait for the next level before going to new books.

  2. don't worry about the book it's up to u try to get (pass 4 sure) training exams for the CCNA .. if want to use this virual search on it in the internet & download it  

  3. You can practice with this site:

  4. don't worry about CCNA. it is very easy. if u are not sure about it. U can download this practice test. it is real q&a.

  5. the stuff is generally the same but when they chage the test they only really change the foucs. (more newer tech and les old tech) but the stuff is still there

    study everything and you will do alright, just try to concentrate on the newer stuff and ignore the 1980's topology equipment config. :)

    good luck.

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