
Valid reason to buy a firearm/handgun.

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The reason I want to buy a handgun is for target practice at shooting ranges and self-defense if it ever comes to that. This one guy thinks that it's a stupid reason and a waste of money.





  1. The reasons not stupid the guy is stupid . Go for it.

  2. That one guy needs to mind his own business. I own guns for hunting and self-defense. Target practice is another good reason.  

  3. If you want one, get one.  Get a good quality gun and use good ammunition.  If you are new at shooting something in a 22 is a great gun to start with.  If you don't think you will have a lot of guns at the same time you may want to get a 357 mag that will also shoot 38 specials.  They do not recoil hard and are excellent for protection.  

    The choice is up to you not your friend.

  4. Well, it's better to have one and not need it, than to need one and not have it. My sister in law is the same guns...they kill. She always asks me why I feel the need to have firearms. I told her that I love my family...I will go to any measure to protect them, even if it means taking another persons life. I REFUSE to sit idle and become a statistic.

  5. Let him think what he wants,I think self defense is a really good reason to get a gun.You will feel much safer when you sleep at nite.

  6. There are around 100 million US gun owners that do not require you to make any excuse for why you want to own a gun. You are allowed to own a gun, - for whatever reason - because it is your Constitutional Right to do so. Don't limit your rights because of what any one man says. He has the same rights that you do, including the right to say ignorant things - a right he obviously cherishes and chooses to employ.

    If he chooses not to excercise HIS Constitutional right to own a gun, that's his loss.  

  7. Given the probabilities of you having that gun when & where you need it for self-defense, it probably IS a waste of money for the reason you've given. But you want to do this. Why not say simply that you're taking up the hobby of pistol target shooting?  

  8. Tell him to shove it. Target shooting is fun. And self-defense is smart.

    He can spend his money however he wants. Don't let him tell you how to spend yours.  

  9. Why would you care what he thinks?

    Why would you care what we think?

    Do what YOU think is right.  

  10. You don't have to have a valid reason to buy a firearm this is America and because you have the free will to do so is reason enough. The way I look at it is, it's better to be prepared for an emergency than not and a familiarity with firearms is time well spent. Can you imagine a situation where you are in possession of a firearm and someone or something is endangering you and your family and you can't protect them because you never learned to handle a firearm? Can you even begin to understand the guilt and shame you would feel as a wild animal ran off with your young son or daughter and you had the ability to stop it? Seems to me "This One Guy" is the stupid one and hopefully he will never be put in such a situation. There is a certain satisfaction in holding a firearm aiming at a target pulling the trigger and hitting the spot you were aiming at. You can tell your friend (not much of one) that it's no more stupid or a waste of money than having a wrench, a screwdriver, or a power drill it's merely a tool and to know how it works and being able to use it can only be a positive thing.


  11. it's a good reason. go for it

  12. I would like one valid reason it is any of this guys business...I mean it is well within your right to buy one. The sport and hobby of shooting is great. It is alot of fun, you meet alot of new friends and of course home protection is a plus.

    Knock your socks off.....

  13. The only reason I have ever needed was I wanted it and it didn't take away from the rent

    I don't care anymore for another's opinion on whether I should buy a gun than I do their opinion on whether I should buy underwear

    To be truthful I am probably less likely to discuss the firearm purchase

  14. it doesn't really matter

  15. Sounds like an excellent reason to me.  

  16. The only VALID reason for you or anyone to buy a firearm/handgun, is IT'S YOUR RIGHT TO !  

  17. I usually purchase things for two reasons, because I either want it or need it. Now do you want it? Do you need it? If the answer is yes to either one then I would get the gun. If the answer is yes to both then that is just a bonus.

  18. I wonder what he spends his money on. I also wonder what his interests are. As a Vietnam veteran, being stupid is getting yourself killed.  

  19. tell this "one guy" that in the USA, we have a little something called the 2nd Ammendment, which guarentees the right of individuals to keep and bear arms! i would not concern myself about what others think about "valid" reasons to have a firearm! my reason is...I WANT TO HAVE THEM, AND MY REASONS ARE MY BUSINESS....PERIOD! Anyone else can be a misinformed victom if they wish, but don't come crying to me when they need to defend themselves against an armed criminal and they were ill-equiped. sucks to be them!  

  20. self protection

    target shooting

    or just because you are an American Citizen and you have a God Given Right to own a firearm if you want too.

  21. I don't think that is a waste of money at all. It's a good thing to practice your accuracy. It's even good to conceal a handgun for self defense, but only if you know how to use one.

    You really shouldn't be concealing or using any kind of a gun until you've taken some sort of training course of gun safety.

    You really don't want to have a gun hidden in the back of your pants and end up shooting yourself in the butt while someone is attacking you.

  22. You don't need to justify your reasons to anyone. You could simply buy it because you like it, and want to own it. He sounds like he is jealous anyway.

  23. LIBERAL tree huggers, will never think of a reason that ANYONE, should have a gun of any kind

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