Valve announces Left 4 Dead 2 DLC – Video Games Update
Valve has announced on its Left 4 Dead Blog that a new Downloadable content (DLC) for Left 4 Dead 2 called Cold Stream will be out on July 24, 2012.
The Left 4 Dead series for the PC and the Xbox 360 is a cooperative first Person shooter (FPS) with zombies. Left 4 dead 2 came out in 2009 and ever since has become very popular and is one of the most played games on Valve’s Steam digital distribution platform.
The game features four survivor characters which have to traverse a zombie infested level to get to the end checkpoint where they will be rescued. There are some safe houses thrown in between to serve as checkpoints.
The game got its popularity because of its dynamic Enemy placement system which meant that each play-through of the game will pan-out differently. The zombies, health items and weapons would spawn at different points each time you play so the game doesn’t
feel repetitive.
Left 4 Dead 2 brought the ‘Infected’ mode where players could play as the infected and try to take down players who were playing as survivors. This competitive mode was loved by the fans and is one of the most played modes in the game.
After launch Valve announced downloadable content for the game called ‘The Passing’ which was free for PC and Macintosh but cost 560 Microsoft Points (MSP) on the Xbox 360. The passing was followed by ‘The Sacrifice’. These two DLC’s linked the first game’s
survivors with those of the second game.
Valve has announced that the latest upcoming DLC ‘Cold Stream’ would also include extra campaigns called Blood Harvest, Crash Course, Cold Stream, Dead Air and Death Toll. In addition to these the campaigns of the first game Left 4 Dead will also be included
in the package.
Valve is praised by a lot by gamers for its decision to release all downloadable content for free. The DLC is not free on the Xbox 360 as it is against Microsoft’s policy to release free DLC on Xbox Live, but gamers who use Steam get to enjoy quality add-ons
for their favourite Valve games for no extra price.