
Vampires and humans?

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OKay so if vampires are real then can a normal person like me get turned into one?..And if so HOW?




  1. no because your human & vampires are folklore they don't exist

  2. best guess .. be in wrong place at the right time .

  3. Vampires aren't real...

    Have you ever seen someone who can fly, turn into a bat, sleep in a coffin,  and all that?..


  4. They're real, but not in the way you seem to think. Vampires are humans, just with an inborn problem - they don't naturally make enough energy to sustain themselves. Instead, the get it "psychically", or by pulling it from other people's auras.

    Check out the Psychic Vampire Codex for more infor (it's a book).



  5. The immortal, undead sort of vampires aren't real. It may be somewhat possible theoretically, but not factually.

    Vampires that feed off energy or blood and are fully human, just with an extra requirement to thrive, that is real, and no, you cannot be turned into one. There's an essay about that here:

    There are a number of good sites about real vampires, such as:

  6. vampires are not real there are people who   act like vampires  and drink blood but they are not vampires also  the people that do are disgusting and  need some   healing

  7. There are two types of vampires.

    Sang and psi for short

    Both types lack energy or leak energy that they sincerely need and it can affect their emotions, energy for daily activities, and a lot more.

    Sang vamps feed from blood and us psi vamps feed of of ppls energies and natures energies

    you are basically born one, those some ppl can temporarily become a "vortex" for energy until they are sustained.

    There is way too much that goes into this to really explain it all here.

    And the whole bats and coffins thing above from that one guy was rude. Its all Hollywood and myths. REsearch is necessary

  8. i don't think you can turn into one. maybe vampires have a special DNA thingie that gives them all these powers. after all vampires are a myth. so maybe you can't turn into one. i think vampires are inspired by a myth person named dracula. he was not a vampire but i think he acts like one. i don't know

  9. Vampirism doesn't work like that, sweety. You cannot be "turned" like the common misconception people have come to believe. Vampires (generally) are 'normal' people with a slight difference.

    In the modern sense, a Human-Living Vampire (HLV) ...

    Some types of Vampire:

    Blood-Fetishist - Someone who is erotically attracted to the sight, taste or smell of blood; he or she generally has no physical need to consume it, and will usually be happy with small amounts.

    Energy vampire (psi vamp) - An individual who has a need to feed upon the lifeforce of others. Most energy vampires feed upon chi or pranic energy and avoid drinking blood.

    Fashion vampyre - (This is not a type of actual vampire) Someone who does not have the vampiric condition, and who just dresses the part. The fashion vamps are only into the aesthetics (fangs, contacts, fashion).

    (Psychological) Clinical vampire - a person with a psychological condition, such as Renfield's Syndrome, in which the afflicted person experiences a psychological urge to drink blood.

    Types of Psychological vampirism:

    Haematodipsia - A strong form of haematophilia.

    Haematomania - A strong psychological craving for blood.

    Haematophilia - An erotic attraction to the taste, sight (or smell) of blood.

    Biological vampire: Porphyria - An acute medical condition which has been postulated by some scholars to have inspired the vampire myths of the past. Sufferers of porphyria have pale, flaky skin and are very sensitive to sunlight. Their gums often recede excessively, giving their teeth an elongated and possibly fang-like appearance.

    Human-Living Vampire - Someone who has a condition which includes but is not limited to a physical thirst or driving need for blood (which is non-erotic in nature. (It does NOT include the abilities to change shape, fly, command others' wills, heal instantaneously, accomplish superhuman feats of strength or speed, etc.)

    Sanguinarian - Someone who has a physical thirst, need, craving for blood (which is non-erotic in nature) in more significant quantity than is generally required or desired by other blood-drinkers.

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