
Vampires or werewolves?

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which do u like better and why




  1. vampires now du they fly have sharp teeth and can turn in to humans

  2. Gotta be vampires because they are mystical, s**y, and can be passionate too. Werewolves are big hairy creatures that chew u up, whereas vampires kiss/suck your neck passionately, so, seems a better way to go...

  3. i like vampires more then werewolves because i rather be pasty then hairy. haha

    and vampires are so seductive to me. don't know why but i find them s**y as h**l....on the big screen of course.

  4. i would say werecreatures because one you don't have to die to become one, you can still enjoy the sunshine, and you don't have to worry about outliving all those you love.

  5. Vampires.  They have a greater capacity to think and reason than beastial werewolves.

  6. Werewolves-because i like Remus Lupin = ]

  7. werewolf, i'm dating one go figure mah luck.

  8. Neither, both treat life for granted. Given a choice, l'd kill them both. Heck, without a choice l'd still kill them both [as long as they've killed anyone before].

  9. Personally, both have their upsides and downsides and I think that if they are as they're portrayed in Movies and books nowadays, that it would be cool to be either.

    However, given the choice, I'd be a Kitsune, or commonly known in the western world, as a Were-Fox.  They were always beautiful, powerful, wise creatures... They are who my heart resonates with.

  10. Vampires. They're more realistic.

  11. Well, vampires get to live forever, but werewolves get to keep eating food and don't have to kill people to survive.  Also, werewolves get to keep their day job and can just claim to be called to active service once a month!

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