
Vampires real? Like the ones from the Twilight series?

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hello =]

I really want to know if there are real vampires in the world like the kind like in the twilight series.

If you're a real vampire or know anything please tell me.

This is a serious question ! >.<

and thank you for answering it ^-^




  1. Blood feeding vampires aren&#039;t real, but there is such a thing as psychic vampires. Psychic vampires feed off of other people&#039;s auras and psyche. I know it sounds a little far-fetched, but if you watch the History Channel documentary Vampire Secrets, you&#039;ll see what I&#039;m talking about. If you&#039;re interested in vampire lore and history, that&#039;s a great one. Sorry I&#039;m not too informative myself.

  2. No, not like in Twilight.

    There are, however, ones that have to feed on people&#039;s energy (psychic vampires, as they&#039;re usually called) to live.

  3. there are no vampires like in the book but there are people that drink blood to live.

  4. The vampires in Twilight are made up. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don&#039;t drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don&#039;t die in the sun, can&#039;t fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don&#039;t phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age and we aren&#039;t immortal.  

  5. Twilight is a fantasy book. Fantasy is fiction. Twilight is fiction. Fiction is not real. Twilight is not real. Do you understand?

    There are people who call themselves vampires who claim they need blood to live. Unfortunately, these people are no Edward Cullens. They are sad souls who become involved in a creepy cult, and are in no way breath takingly beautiful, OR vegetarian vampires, if you get what I mean. They actually drink human blood.

  6. No,there is no such thing as a &quot;real&quot; vampire.  There are some deluded people who claim to be, or think they are, and who even drink blood to fuel their fantasy.  But it doesn&#039;t take a stake in the heart to kill them.

    Please remember these books are *literature*, not *fact*.

  7. I often come across questions like this and not only do they upset me, they remind me how closed minded people may be.

    The how idea of vampires being harmed by sunlight, being immortal, drinking blood, etc. is complely STUPID. And it is even more stupid when people come out and say &quot;I am a vampire. I am immortal. I drink blood. Crosses burn me...&quot; and so on. These people are liars. End of story.

    However the idea of vampirism goes much father back in history then your idiotic, waste of your time Twilight seires. Throughtout history there have been stories told of people who suck the blood of other people. There are in fact humans who drink human blood. The other things typically associated with vampires (garlic, sunlight, crosses, etc) are simple details added to the story of vampires. In history, people feared what they called vampires. And just as people create religon to awnser things they don&#039;t understand, people used crossed and garlic to protect themselves from things they did not understand.

    Not only are people stupid, they are close minded. One should not be so quick to dismiss the idea of vampires. People who call themselves vampires are one, stupid kids, or two, people who truly belive the are a vampire and actually drink the blood of humans.

    Many people who claim to be vampires are normal everyday people. In fact many vampires claim they feel  impowered and spirtually balanced when they drink the blood of humans. You may pass a so called vampire on the street and not even know it. This is because they are normal people. They do not wear capes, they do not avoid the sun, they do not avoid churches (in fact they are self proclaimed vampires who are in fact christians), and they do not dress in all black. They cannot leap roof tops, and they do not stalk the night. Granted, there are immauter kids whith black lips and fangs who belive them selves to be vampires. These are simply mis informed children obsessed with the idea of vampires that books likeTwlight have wrongly described and mocked.

    People who claim to be vampires often say that they drink blood to gain a part of the person the feed from. In fact, vampirism is often shared between to couples, and is a way to show affection. A way so strong and so connecting one could not imagine.

    In conclusion, your stupid. Do your research and do not fall victim to the lies of books like Twilight.

  8. what are you 5? no theres no such thing...

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