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okay well i was randomly reading all these questions about "are you a real vampire?" & stuff.

& well, apparently a lot of people claim they are real vampires.

&i find this really intresting.

i know real vampires are nothing like the ones ive seen in movies or read in books.

anyone who is a real vampire can you please inform me?

telll my what are the symtons & what they do?

do they actually suck blood from other people?

what are energy vampires!?!?

sorry, this really intrigues me?

please just give me a description of vampirism??




  1. I want your bloooooood! *nomnomnom*

  2. Vampirism, as a whole, is not all it's cracked up to be. There are quite a few more weaknesses than strengths, though most of the myths are still being circulated through the media.

    Flying, garlic, crosses, running water, salt rings, teleportation, transformation, etc. all fake. Anything that seems supernatural and impossible, probably is.

    There are 2 types of vampires. Sang and psi. Sang's drink blood, psi's feed from energy. Yes, we do actually feed from blood. Not just human, and we don't need much of it.

    Not all symptoms are universal, but some fairly common ones are sensitivity to sun, headaches, and an overall drained feeling. Until we get blood. There's so much energy after that, there's no time to be tired.

    We have very few 'powers', but there are a few. We can see in the dark quite well, sneak about quite easily, we get a small boost in strength (not the extreme amounts you see in movies, just enough to easily overpower others our size), and improved reflexes.

    Energy vampires are psi vampires. I haven't met many myself, so I can't tell you much. All I know is that they can't create enough energy for themselves, so they take it from other people, animals, or nature.

    If you have any more questions, or I didn't cover everything here, feel free to email me. Happy hunting.

  3. there are NO real vampires, just vampire wannabees. anyone who says they are a vampire is either lieing of needs serious help.

  4. Well, I'm not a real vampire nor am I even sure they exist but one group caut my eye, they call themselves 'sanguinarians' and they supposedly have a biological need to drink blood.I think its mostly a a phycological problem but 'sanguinarians' claim that without blood they suffer from symptoms like cronic headaches, fatigue,nausa, insomnia, etc. There have been isolated cases where these symptoms seem to go away with the consumption of blood. These people regard vampirism as a medical illness, most of them do no try to be any of the stereotypes.There are people that do though, for more info go to

  5. Psi vampires drain energy from other to live.

    Vampires ARE real, and they DO need blood. If its human blood, about a shotglass worth every 2 weeks. If its anial, about a quarts worth every 2 weeks.

    If you want more info, email me at

  6. well i dont really know anyone who is personally a vamp but u can try to do a google search on it you'll find  chat line and stuff.

    well lets get this straight there are no such things as the vamps you read about in books or the movies u wacth but there are such things as a pyshic vampire they drain enrgy rather then blood and there can be good, evil depending on how they choose to feed.

    and vampirism is nothing but a fake image there are those people that just dress up in capes and decided to act really creepy but the real fact is that vampire pyshic vampires can  walk among us without us even knowing about it.we could be threr next dinner(enrgy not blood) so jsut keep in mind that there are really weird people out there in the world who just fake vampirism just to get attetion but real physic vamps are more subtle in there disguse. hope that cleared things up for you

  7. Apparently there is a 'secret' underground society that calls themselves vampires. They have 'donors' and go to some strange clubs. Most claim to be physic vampires that drain the life force from others, I suppose this is so they can be a vamp w/out drinking blood. You'd be surprised how far this can go. Some live in  groups and stay in cult like conditions. There is no such thing as actual vampires and these people open themselves up to diseases, drugs and spooky endings.

  8. Real vampires are living, mortal people who need either vital energy (called prana, chi, ki, qi, or mana in other cultures) or drink about 2-8 ounces of blood from consenting human donors. Those who drink blood are called sanguinarians or sangs. Those who take energy directly are called psychic vampires, psionic vampires, energy vampires, psi-vamps or psy-vamps. Many real vampires feed both ways and are called hybrids.

    Some vampires/vampyres believe there is a physical reason they need to drink blood. Many (myself included) believe all real vampires need vital energy that they can't get enough of in food. Since fresh blood is high in this kind of energy, many vampires crave and drink blood. I've craved it myself, but don't drink it.

    Many real vampires are able to take in this kind of energy from other people, with or without the person's consent, and often without even realizing they're doing it. Sometimes when a real (psychic) vampire takes energy from another person, the person gets tired, dizzy, headachy or nauseous. But usually it's such a small amount that it doesn't really bother the person.

    Some vampires have a hard time getting enough energy from psi energy-feeding, so it's easier for them to get it from drinking blood. Most blood-drinking vampires can energy feed when they have to, though it's not their first choice. Probably all psychic vampires can get energy from drinking fresh blood, but many chose not to, for a variety of reasons.

    It's not fair to say either sanguinarian or psychic vampires are the only "real" vampires, because we all have more in common than we have different from each other. Real vampires feed in different ways, have different "symptoms", sensitivities, strengths and abilitities. What makes a person a REAL vampire isn't whether they drink blood or take energy directly. Anyone can drink small amounts of blood, but that doesn't make them a vampire. People can learn to take energy from other people, but that doesn't make them a vampire. What makes a person a real vampire is their physical or metaphysical NEED to drink blood or take vital energy. Often, this need will manifest as unconscious psi-feeding in people who don't realize they're vampires and in vampires who haven't been able to consciously feed (on blood or energy).

    A real psychic vampire may make the people around them feel tired. They may drain batteries too. They will usually start to feel tired, sick, cold, headachy, depressed or otherwise unwell when they haven't been around other people for a while. When they do get around other people, they feel better, and the other person might then feel tired, dizzy, weak or otherwise drained instead.

    Sanguinarian vampires can blood-feed in a variety of ways, but they don't usually bite their donors because this is painful and unsanitary. Usually the donor is cut with a sharp blade or a needle is used to withdraw blood from a vein.

    - P.

  9. Energy vampires or psychic vampires.  Possess a person and drain their energy.  They can do it without possessing people as well.  In medieval times they were known as Inncubbi's and Succubbi's which are male and female forms of demons, known to seduce their victims and have s*x with them whilst they drain their energy.  Usually these types of demons won't stop until their victim is dead.

    Modern day vampires or psychic vampires drain energy from people or animals.  They are known to read a persons thoughts too.  Some get their energy from another persons emotions, others from s*x whilst some get their energy from the elements like fire etc...

  10. Charlyy... There is no way on the face of this earth that a human can be a vampire... Its just not possible... if he or she is human you can count on them being human a wanna-be vampire with no life.. So they pretend to be a vampire... And some of them don't have a clue as to what a vampire is  other then their movie version concept........................

  11. Technically there is no such thing as a vampire. Sorry to bust the bubble there. But there are people who do actually enjoy the sight, the smell, fell, and taste of blood and who might be called vampires, but there really is not such thing; they are mythical beings, though some of their 'human counterparts' do exist.

  12. If you go online and search for " the Community" along with "Real Vampires" you should find what you're looking for. I think energy vampires are psychic vampires, as in they feed on psychic energy. Some feed on blood, but, in small amounts. Generally they choose other ways of indulging their darker natures. Really, you'll find out more by searching for those key words I gave you.

  13. We do exist. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don't drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don't die in the sun, can't fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don't phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age and we aren't immortal. There are three types of vampires sang vamp, psi vamp and hybrid.

    Sang vamp is short for sanguinarian vampire these are the ones that need blood. They get sunburnt really fast(I can only last 30mins before getting sun burnt with sunblock on). They get sluggish durring the day but really active at night.

    Psi vamp is short for psychic vampire. They don't drink blood but feed from chi energy instead. They can get this from touching somone or just being close to another person. The person doesn't even know most of the time and only feel a bit drained of energy but that goes away soon after. Most psi vamps don't even know what they are doing and can even feed while they sleep.

    I am a hybrid myself, we are both sang and psi vamps. Hybrids are able to feed both ways (from both psychic energy and blood).
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