
Vancouver Canucks any chance at stanley cup this year?

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do you think the Canucks will have any chance at the Stanley Cup this year? even if Matt Sundin doesn't sign with them? and do u think that Mat will sign with them and why?




  1. pshhhhhh....they wish.

  2. HAAHA,

    Vancouver canucks will be lucky if they finish 10th, they lost naslund, morrison, they got demitra but he wont do much

    **MATTS** sundin wont sign with them, its either t dot or retirment or maybe even detroit if he wants a cup. but we'll jus have to wait till friday.

  3. they'll win they're division with or without sundin... with sundin they'll win the cup... btw 23everywhere, the wild will finish dead last in the division, maybe even the conference

  4. If Mats signs with them I can see them as a low seed playoff team. barely. Without him, I see them around 11-12 in the west.

    I don't' see them winning the cup, even with Mats. And because of that, I don't see him signing there. I suspect he wants to go to a contender.

  5. my friend your ****** up at asking this. I think you should ask this insed WILL mat sundin be signed.

  6. No, Sorry, but they just lost Marcus Naslund.

  7. I have to say no, I was really excited to see some great play the year they got Luongo but they sucked, and now no matter how stacked they are I can't see them doing good and they aren't even stacked, they aren't a very good team and getting washed up players can't change that. I predict they will barely make the playoffs if that and if they do make the playoffs it will be a first round knockout.

  8. Heck no the Canucks are a bunch of Canadian goons in a division far superior to them.  Wild and Avalanche and Calgary are all better than the Cafucks.

  9. CANADIANS SUCK camel d**k


  10. NOOOOOOOOOO! he wil sign wit the canadiens!

  11. probably not.

    my money's on detroit (even tho i don't want them too) the sharks (of course since they are my team) or the pittsburgh penguins (since they are my second favorite team)

    i'm hoping the sharks win it though.

  12. Yes. The Vancouver Canucks are a great team and will almost definitely win the cup this year. ;-)

  13. Of course the Canucks have a chance at the Cup.  They're only three players away.  Unfortunately, their names are Gordie Howe, Bobby Orr and Patrick Roy.

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