
Vancouver vs. Amsterdam??

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don't have money for Amsterdam so I'm thinking of going to Vancouver. has anyone been and is it like they say?




  1. Depends on where you're from.  The Cdn. dollar is high against the US $ and the Euro is higher than both, so if Amsterdam is out of your price range, Vancouver may be the way to go.  On the other hand, depends on what you want to do.  Living expenses are really high, hotel or apartment renting-wise, but food can be pretty cheap.  Get a copy of free local newspapers (e.g. Courier or Georgia Strait) and look for "2 for 1" coupons to lots of restaurants all over the place.  Amsterdam has lots of history and artsy stuff; Van is more nature and "feel good" scenery.  The art scene in Van. isn't worth much, but the Aquarium is good (super pricey, though).  Chocolate is tons better in A'dam...

  2. I just got back from Vancouver several days ago and I had a marvelous experience.  You are surrounded by nature and there are dozens of parks within the city where you feel as if you were in a forest. There is a nice resort by the name of Whistler which is a few hours drive from Vancouver and it is simply amazing. During the winter it is for skiing and in the summer you can hike around. There is also an amusement park nearby that has a 50 year roller coaster, so if you are a roller coaster fan, you might want to check it out. I really Vancouver because they have so much public transportation. I guess you would want to go there if you are a nature person and enjoy hiking.  

  3. I've been.  Is it like who says?

    If you are comparing Vancouver and Amsterdam 'pot-wise', you will be disappointed.  Save up and go to Amsterdam.

  4. I live in Vancouver.

    It's a shadow of Amsterdam in the aspect with which I think you are concerned. Beautiful place, though. Good shopping.  

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