
Vanguard Prime Money Market -- risk of failure?

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A friend of mine's mother has nearly $300,000 in a Vanguard Money Market account (a large portion of her retirement). She also probably has $100,000 in other Vanguard funds. With everything going on, she is concerned about its safety. She asked me if she should withdrawl that $300,000 and split it among 3-4 savings accounts at different banks so she is under $100,000 in each and FDIC insured.

Is this something she should do?




  1. Your friend's accounts at Vanguard are not FDIC insured.

    And your friend doesn't have a money market account. She has a money market FUND at Vanguard. two very different things.

    Vanguard is SIPC insured. SIPC insurance coverage is $500,000.

    Why is your "friend" worried about Vanguard failing anyway? Vanguard doesn't make loans.

  2. The risk of default in a money market account, especially at a major company like Vanguard, is extremely low.  She could get that little extra bit of safety by putting the money in several banks, but I expect that she will receive a lower rate of return and have fewer investment choices.  

    There are other ways to look for safety and not give up return, such as going into a short-term U.S. Treasury fund at Vanguard.  She should look again at the asset allocation in the account; this is heavy concentration in money market funds, which are not even beating inflation.  This is another type of risk, which is not hard to avoid.

  3. If the 300,000 is only a portion of her retirement than i'd say she is in a good posistion to use that money as she see's fit. The prime money market looks to be quite stable right now but there is never any gaurentees. My cousin is a broker and he suggests putting the money (because it is a sizeable sum) Into low risk savings accounts, she will still see a return on her money and she will have the peice of mind that the vanguard can't offer her. In the end He says don't mess ith a sure thing, it's his motto and he's been in buisness for 15 years so who knows. But good luck.

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